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29 avis
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Amer S.
Amer S.
Visité en mars 2024
Muy caro para lo que es. El guía fue muy amable y todo ok. PERO fueron muchas horas para lo que es. Se pierde mucho tiempo esperando y escuchando al guía. Y lo que a uno le interesa es muy poco tiempo y no te lleva a caminar entre las paredes de hielo del glaciar que uno ve en las fotos.
Jess I.
Jess I.
Visité en mars 2024
We booked both the super jeep northern lights tour and the Katla Ice cave tour, both of which went above and beyond our expectations.

For the northern lights our tour guide was H, he was very friendly and passionate about helping us to see the northern lights. We did see them and it was an amazing experience. We were given hot chocolate and a shot of Icelandic ‘Black death’. He took fantastic professional photographs, which were shared on a Google drive and he explained the phenomena with great knowledge.

For the Katla ice cave tour, our tour guide was Sikki (unsure on the spelling). Once again he was so friendly and helpful. He told us all about the glaciers and helped us to take great photographs. We felt safe and looked after the whole time. He also gave us recommendations for a great pizza place in Reykjavík, which we tried and loved!

Overall, we cannot fault Arctic Adventures and would recommend their tours to anyone!!! Thank you so much!
Kelsey C.
Kelsey C.
Visité en mars 2024
VERONICA! What an amazing guide. We didn't know what to expect when we signed up for snorkeling in freezing cold weather (it was lightly snowing), but we couldn't recommend it more. Veronica walked us through the entire process and suited us up in both a dry and wet suit - we looked like hardcore scuba penguins (that didn't feel the cold!) We then walked a short ways to the entry point and she showed us how to swim properly with the equipment (note: the suit(s) ensure that you float on the surface). We felt confident going into the water, and were thrilled to see what was underneath. From the surface, the water looks dark and even shallow. Underneath is an entirely different experience - completely clear waters that allow you to look deep into the fissures. We could hear Veronica guiding us and providing context while snorkeling, so the entire experience felt reassuring and simply unique. I would recommend this to anyone - don't let the weather deter you! If you prepare for your hands and feet to get a bit cold, you'll be so thrilled that you signed up for this! One of the highlights of our entire weeklong trip.
Josaine B.
Josaine B.
Visité en mars 2024
We loved this tour!
Jörg K.
Jörg K.
Visité en mars 2024
Schnorcheln in der Silfraspalte mit Arctic Adventures, hier ist der Name Programm, denn arktisch trifft es sehr gut. Es ist wirklich kalt , vor allem an den Händen und im Gesicht, und der Trockenanzug hält nicht immer so ganz, was der Name verspricht. Dennoch mehr als lohnend, eine echte Lifetime Experience! Vielen Dank an Jannis, unseren TOP-Guide!
Visité en mars 2024
Hello, first I would like to say that I don't like taking private tours. But due to the special conditions of climate, soil, wind, volcano, for safety reasons I opted for 2 tours with Arctic Adventure. And they were the most beautiful and surreal walks. I know 53 countries around the world and most of them I took on my own. However, as previously mentioned, Iceland requires extra care if you want to visit stunning and inaccessible places with a 4WD car. The first trip was to see the Northern Lights, and the driver was incredible, fun, with a great vibe and I had the most beautiful lights that I couldn't even imagine, with green and pink auroras. The second tour was at the Katla Ice Cave. The place is surreal, it felt like I was in a science fiction film. It was fantastic. I 100% recommend tours with them, not to mention that they have a great price.
Stacy C.
Stacy C.
Visité en mars 2024
The 6 day Ring Road Adventure tour was genuinely one of the best weeks of my life. I almost booked a quick trip to (only) Reykjavik, and can't believe what I would have missed had I not seen more of Iceland. This tour takes you around most of the island, and you'll see amazing waterfalls, the original Geysir, incredible black sand beaches and so much more.

The hotels are comfortable and in good locations if you're here in the winter looking for the northern lights. We were lucky to see them at the Wilderness Center (night 3). If you're on a budget, it would be a good idea to get some lunch/dinner stuff before the trip or at one of the gas station/supermarket stops, as dinners at the hotels will run you at least $25 USD (unless you only want soup).

Mostly, I can't say enough good things about Geirmundur, our guide for the week. He fostered a wonderful group environment by joining us for dinner each night and getting to know everyone in the group. He consistently went above and beyond - even hauling a dozen suitcases through a foot of snow on our last morning while most of the group stayed warm in the hotel. If you have the chance, sit up front with him - his knowledge of geology, history, and Iceland as a whole will make your trip even better than you could have imagined.
Crista W.
Crista W.
Visité en mars 2024
only 1 hour tours for polar light. The attitude of the tour guide is also very poor.
Visité en mars 2024
Erin E.
Erin E.
Visité en mars 2024
We were a family group of 7 and booked the 3 day golden circle/south coast tour. Karl was the BEST guide!! He provided great commentary and information throughout the entire trip, kept us on the perfect agenda, and made the trip fun and easy going with his hilarious jokes. The 3 days were packed full of the most iconic activities that took all the guess work out of navigating/planning and the trip was a huge bang for our buck.
Anabel r.
Anabel r.
Visité en mars 2024
Don’t waste your money. It was completely disappointing. You can rent a car and do the same on your own. We hired the Magical Auroras-Northern lights tour, believing the “hunt” described on the website and that the company would add some value to it. We were wrong.
They picked us up in our hotel, in a night without clouds and with a KP index of 3 and simply drove 15km outside Reykiavik, we stopped there for an hour/hour thirty and after that, since nothing showed in the sky, we hopped on the bus again, drove 10 minutes and stopped in another point again for hour thirdy/2 hours. We spotted nothing and they drove us back to the hotel.
There was NO HUNT, no chase, no real try from the company to see them. We learnt the following morning that other people staying in the same hotel, and going on tours with different companies saw them, basically chasing them. They just drove further and not simply outside the city.
In our case, it was not a matter of the natural phenomenon, but a matter of the company not providing what they sell you on the website.
We requested a refund, because it felt a lie, but they have refused. DON’T LOOSE YOUR MONEY.
Anabel R.
Anabel R.
Visité en mars 2024
Os lo podéis ahorrar, fue una completa decepción. Podéis hacer lo mismo si teneis un coche de alquiler. Contratamos la excursión de Magical Auroras-Northern lights tour pensando que aportaría un valor añadido, porque desde el autobús harían algún tipo de búsqueda para encontrar las auroras.
No fue así.
Nos recogieron en nuestro hotel en el bus, en una noche de cielo completamente despejado e índice KP 3 y simplemente condujeron 15 km fuera de Reykiavik, estuvimos ahí parados esperando, y como al cabo de hora/hora y media no habíamos visto nada, nos subieron en el bus, 10 minutos más, paramos en otro sitio, estuvimos ahí esperando otra hora y media/dos horas aproximadamente y nos devolvieron al hotel. No hubo un intento real de buscar allá donde podía haber auroras.
Tenemos la certeza de que otra gente que salió la misma noche de nuestro hotel y a la que llevaron más lejos SÍ las vieron. No fue una cuestión de la dificultad de verlas por el fenómeno, sino porque la empresa te vende una mentira.
Pedimos la devolución de nuestro dinero porque nos sentimos engañados, pero se han negado. No perdáis vuestro dinero.
Shaun B.
Shaun B.
Visité en mars 2024
Terrible experience, came all the way here for this just to have our driver say he showed up and left us. We were at the arrival pick point on the dot! Don’t book here save your money
Marissa S.
Marissa S.
Visité en mars 2024
The 3-Day Golden Circle and South Coast tour was everything we hoped it'd be and more. It's perfect for couples, families, and solo travellers alike. Our tour guide "Thress" (might have spelled wrong) was incredible in every sense - he shared so many interesting facts along the routes to each destination and made plenty of stops for snacks/meals/restrooms. Many of the most beautiful, memorable parts of our vacation to Iceland were from this 3-day tour. I would recommend it (and Arctic Adventures) to absolutely anyone.
Bonnie B.
Bonnie B.
Visité en mars 2024
We signed up for the Katla Ice Cave day tour from Reykjavik. The day we went, it snowed two days before and then rained, causing a massive buildup of slush that was knee deep in places. The crampons were not provided at the start of the trip, and my husband and I, both in our 60’s, fell 3 times. Others on the trip fell as well, one inside the cave which was full of rushing water at uncertain depth. We were finally given crampons about halfway through the trip as they were in a box at the foot of the glacier, where the snow was supposed to start. Everyone on the trip was soaked from the rain and conditions, even in waterproof gear.

The super jeep was driving through water that was as high at the wheels in places, and the first trip was late getting back due to driving in these conditions. We had to dig part of the seatbelt out of a hole it had fallen into in the seat. The ride was very bumpy for about 40 minutes.

The pick up van had a very nice and knowledgeable guide, but the space was smaller than an airplane seat, and people had to put backpacks in the aisle.

Our guide in the jeep never spoke a word to us until he passed out helmets. I felt like he did not want to be there. He sometimes walked ahead and did not instruct, as this is why someone fell inside the cave’s water. She did not know where to step. Then he failed to assist a child from another group who could not leap across to the next wooden plank floating in the water. He was the closest guide and did nothing. Another guide ran from behind us and assisted the child.

The cave was awesome of course, but the cost in danger to us made it less spectacular.

This trip should have been cancelled. I will be asking for a refund.
Annelien M.
Annelien M.
Visité en mars 2024
We did the snowmobiling and ice cave tour. What a thrilling adventure! It was truly something to experience. We got lucky, since there was another tour company at the ice cave, so we took a tour through the mountains, which they said is usually not part of it. Sadly. The guide said that they find a new ice cave every winter. The entire adventure was just awesome. The drive from basecamp to the snowmobiles was also amazing. The only part of the tour that becomes a little loooong, is the drive to and from Reykjavik. It's about 1.5h to basecamp, and then another hour to the snowmobiles after suiting up. The guides are cool and skilled, and seem to really enjoy what they're doing.
Rafa R.
Rafa R.
Visité en mars 2024
Freeman was amazing!!
Amie P.
Amie P.
Visité en mars 2024
Amazing tour - within 25 mins driving out of Reykjavik we reached a spot where we were able to see the Northern Lights dancing across the sky. Highly recommend.
Anna H.
Anna H.
Visité en mars 2024
Fab day out to the Golden Circle and Hvammsvik nature hot springs. Henrik was a lovely chilled guide, I asked if we could feed the horses and we did and then he took us to a waterfall that wasn’t on the itinerary
Highly recommend ????
Oliver H.
Oliver H.
Visité en mars 2024
The Glacier Hike and Ice cave tour in Vatnajokull was an unforgettable experience, and I cannot speakly highly enough of Arctic Adventures. Our tour guides were friendly and knowledgeable, and everything they said was interesting and engaging from start to finish. This was the best part of our 5 day Iceland trip, and we would come back again just for another tour of the Glacier with Arctic adventures.
Melanie A.
Melanie A.
Visité en mars 2024
The ice caves and glacier lagoon are a definite do not miss! Doing this on a 2 day tour with an overnight in Hof was great.
David S.
David S.
Visité en mars 2024
We took the 2-day south coast tour with Hilmar. He put in great efforts to make the two days the best! The weather didn't look like it was going to play nice but in the end we had a amazing time at the glacier ice caves diamond beach, the waterfalls, and blacksand beach. The glacier lagoon was something to see at least once in your life and walking under the glaciers in the caves was again, a once in a lifetime experience! Do it!!
Àlex V.
Àlex V.
Visité en mars 2024
Tour de l'aurora boreal un 4 de març, les condicions no eren les millors però vàrem poder gaudir de les llums del nord. No eren de màxima intensitat però va ser molt xul·lo. Vàrem anar a uns 25 min de Reykjavik, estava núvol i plovia però va valer la pena. El conductor guia molt amable i et donava totes les explicacions oportunes. També oferien xocolata calenta i galetetes.
Com a dada interessant, les aurores es veuen millor en foto que en viu.
Visité en mars 2024
Mitchell B.
Mitchell B.
Visité en mars 2024
Exceptional tour. See full review on the Arctic Adventures website.
Visité en juin 2020
Rapport Qualité/Prix
Suite au confinement l’année dernière, j’ai du annuler une excursion pour observer les baleines. J’ai reçu un mail qu’élues temps après me disant que l’état financier de l’entreprise ne permettait pas le remboursement.
Depuis plus aucune nouvelle. J’ai simplement perdu mon argent et n’ai rien à dire.
Sachez qu’en cas d’annulation, vous ne reverrez jamais votre argent. Vraiment une entreprise à fuir.
Visité en août 2015
Rapport Qualité/Prix
Superbe balade sur glacier. Belle aventure pas trop difficile. A ne conseiller que par beau temps.
C'est hyper pratique de pouvoir communiquer en francais. On peut préparer le voyage complet avec eux, et les guides sont super qualifiés. Topissime !
Les guides sont connaisseurs et très sympa ! L'office est au coeur de Reykjavik, c'est pratique. Il y a aussi une boutique s'il vous manque des vêtements adaptés, car le jean est à éviter pour une marche sur les glaciers par exemple :)
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