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Avis des membres sur BEST WESTERN INN AND SUITES

19 avis
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Tim S.
Tim S.
Visité en avril 2024
Stayed here in April 2024. Very disappointed with this outdated hotel. Our two bedroom suite looked like something out of the 1970’s. Tiles falling off in the bathroom. Breakfast is terrible. The tiki bar is only used to store breakfast stuff. Lots of gates to pool are broken. Be careful with your kids. Front staff were not very friendly. We were looking for a bottle opener and were told to go to Publix. Laundry machines ate $6 worth of coins (they did credit our stay $6 after asking for a refund twice). Sink in washroom was plugged.
Sascha W.
Sascha W.
Visité en avril 2024
Naples in der das Hotel steht ist eine tolle Stadt und top gepflegt. Unser Zimmer im Best Western Hotel kann da leider nicht mithalten. Das Zimmer ist für europäische Standards eher altmodisch eingerichtet,- Geschmackssache. Das Insekt im Küchenschrank war alles andere als angenehm. Die Inneneinrichtung ist gut gebraucht (hängende Türschränke, Fliesen im Bad lösen sich,....). Das Frühstück ist typisch amerikanisch. In der Hotelanlage gibt es zwei Poolbereiche an denen man sich verweilen kann. Interesanter sind da die Parks und weitere Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in und um Naples herum.
Courtney A.
Courtney A.
Visité en avril 2024
The room was absolutely gross. The floors were Stickley, there was bugs and hair all over the floor and walls. There was a huge gap between the bottom of the door and the door allowing more bugs to enter. Had to go big our own big trap just to be able to sleep without getting bug bites. The beds are so worn out you end up in a divot in the bed making it incredibly uncomfortable and uneasy to get out. West hotel stay of my life.
Louise L.
Louise L.
Visité en avril 2024
Très bien. Propre.
Daina P.
Daina P.
Visité en avril 2024
I would give 0 star but giving 1 star only for James who checked me in. Last week I stayed here for 3 nights only because it was pre booked that also because I stayed in this property 5 yrs ago where I had excellent experience.
This time it was like a trash treatment.

Every single day the house keeper will take all towels and will not replace until in evening I ask when return back to room.
Each day I had to ask coffee supply as again house keeper will NOT replace nor clean the used up trash.
Room smelled like a "dampen mold" and had many bugs sprouting from carpet.

Breakfast was stale. Only wrapped fruit was fresh or yogurt was in cold fridge. Eggs were uncooked and bacon was old probably reheated multiple times.

Top it off all, on the day I was suppose to check out. House keeper knocked on my door at 10 am RUDELY to ask me when am I leaving? Checking time is of 11 am and I had confirmed with front desk and yet it was most MEAN AND RUDE treatment where I was asked at 10 am by knocking on my door???????????????? is this how "Best Western" promote to behave with guest?

As I was checking out on Sunday, I was behind due to breakfast rush and I got delayed in standing line for it but I called front desk at 10 am and notified them that because of such rush, I might be at front desk probably 30 mins late though it was not intention as I wanted to get out ASAP. I did get out at 10:55 am and started laoding my luggage in car and WALLAHHH.. though notified front desk, I was locked out at 10:56am. My luggage was still in room that I was getting it out. When I called front desk, the same girl who knew I might be 30 mins delayed told me to report at front desk and take another key???????????? I was already upset and when addressed my frustration on such trashy treatment since 10 am to ask me to GET OUT even though have paid in full and a "Gold member" I felt like treated as trashy homeless.

Finally got my luggage out after waiting 15 mins on house keeper to open my room.

While checking out, I told "James" who happened to be same guy who checked me in. He apologized.
I only and only gave this 1 star for him.

Whoever is the owner needs to know how his staff treats guest.


Ruth C.
Ruth C.
Visité en mars 2024
DO NOT OFFER THIS PLACE AS A RENTAL...The hotel room despite arriving at 530pm was not ready as they said it was not cleaned. Magically when I complained it became available. the room was completely unsanitary. The towels were soiled with yellow stains believed to be urine or clorox. The bathtub was dirty and toilet areas. The AC vents are filled with mildew. The couches were torn and the rugs stained. Earlier during the morning hours I noticed a roach crawl into the AC vent that faces the beds.. NEVER WILL I EVER STAY AT THIS BEST WESTERN and neither should BOOKING recommend this place as one of hotels. COMPLETE UNSATISFACTORY AND UNHYGIENIC. I WILL BE CONTACTING BEST WESTERN CORPORATE OFFICE. Room 132
Roland S.
Roland S.
Visité en mars 2024
Begrüßt wird man mit einem „freundlichen“ Last Name.Schon an der Rezeption hatten wir unsere frühzeitige Buchung bereut.
Die Hoffnung, dass nur die Rezeption in die Jahre gekommen ist, wurde leider bei der Zimmerbesichtigung nicht bestätigt. Die Zimmer an sich sind in die Jahre gekommen, allerdings trotz des Alters war es in unserem Zimmer sehr sauber und die Klimaanlage hat etwas modrig gerochen.
Die Außenanlagen sind leider sehr abgenutzt, die Pools waren ständig voller Blätter, überall war Vogelkot zu finden. Ingesamt wirkt es etwas verwahrlost. Die Begrünung an sich war schön gemacht, sehr viele Palmen etc. deswegen ist der Pool auch ständig verschmutzt.
Das Hotel liegt an einer Einflugschneise, es kommen circa alle 30 Minuten ein Flugzeug über den Himmel geflogen (dafür kann das Hotel nichts).
Das Frühstück an sich ist ok, ich hatte meistens einen Bagel mit Butter und einen Kaffee (mehr hatte ich nicht Appetit, es gab aber noch Tütenei, Speck, Waffeln, 2-3 verschiedene Obst etc.)
Alles in allem ist das Hotel für 1-2 Nächte ok, aber wir würden nicht wieder kommen (da preis Leistung nicht stimmt).
Visité en mars 2024
Mit Abstand das schlechteste Hotel in dem ich je war. Leider haben wir aufgrund der guten Booking Bewertung gebucht und mussten hier 4 Nächte bleiben. Außer der Lage kann ich dem Hotel nicht gutes abgewinnen und bevor der Text zu lange wird fasse ich mal die Punkte zusammen:
- Durchweg unfreundliches Personal. Man fühlt sich nicht willkommen.
- Die Zimmer sind alt und an vielen Stellen beschädigt.
- Die Zimmer sind (wir hatten 2) dreckig und werden nicht richtig gereinigt
- In den Badezimmern ist Schimmel
- Der Aufzug ist kaputt-> Koffer hochtragen!
- Der Shutlleservice zum Strand ist ein Witz. Fährt nur 3mal am Tag und schon das letzte Mal um 3 Uhr mittags zurück
- Nach dem ersten Tag keine Zimmerreinigung. Mal schauen ob morgen jemand kommt. Besser wird’s wohl nicht
- Beim Frühstück für das gesamte Hotel nur 1 Servicekraft
- Der Pool riecht extrem nach Chlor
- Das Aussenventilator der Klimaanlage ist extrem laut und direkt neben einem am Tisch auf dem Balkon.
- Die Poolbar hat schon um 5 Uhr geschlossen wenn sie überhaupt aufmacht.
- Keine Handtücher für den Strand
- Wenn wir am Tag unserer Anreise gebucht hätten-was wir sicherlich nie wieder tun- hätten wir 300$ gespart weil sie ihre Zimmer nicht loswerden

Ich könnte noch lange so weitermachen.
Den Hotelmanager würde ich mal zum Coaching in ein anderes Hotel schicken

Wir versuchen uns deshalb den Urlaub nicht verderben zu lassen. Ärgerlich ist es jedoch allemal.
Simona S.
Simona S.
Visité en mars 2024
The breakfast is not good if is raining there is no place to sit, the cleaning is not everything day and not very accurate
Angelina W.
Angelina W.
Visité en mars 2024
I’ve stayed here 7+ times but was recently disappointed. Cold night and they ran out of blankets so I had to use towels to cover myself because I was cold. Also found a roach or beetle (not sure which one can’t tell the difference) in the bathroom but it’s Florida so I really don’t blame them for that. The covers are not thick enough yet they have a limited supply for the guests. Seems cheap to me. We tried turning on the heating but it was extremely dusty and the whole room began to smell. First bad experience unfortunately. The lady at the front desk was very kind however. One of the hot tubs was scorching hot and the other one was cold. The breakfast here is always good though and the location is great.

Update:This hotel takes feedback seriously and seems to try to take accountability and solve problems. They will be having my business again for their caring response.
Frank A.
Frank A.
Visité en mars 2024
Sehr gutes BW, in dass man durchaus wieder zurückkehren kann. Wir waren insgesamt drei Tage hier und haben unseren Aufenthalt wirklich genossen.
Jacquelin H.
Jacquelin H.
Visité en mars 2024
We stayed at this hotel in February 2024 and were very dissatisfied. First, we got our room at 4:30 p.m. instead of 3:00 p.m. There was a musty and damp smell.

In the morning, we woke up with little bugs on our feet and legs. Even after removing these critters, they continued to jump on our bodies. So we decided to leave the room immediately. We had to go back 3 times to speak to a manager to get a refund with no luck. Even in writing through our 3rd party, they did not want to give us a refund. We called twice with no return call.

In summary:
-Old hotel with several problems
-Poor customer service
-Breakfast was very good

I do not suggest this hotel. Don't waste your money at this hotel.
Sabrina P.
Sabrina P.
Visité en février 2024
Cet Hôtel est une grosse déception.
Nuit la plus chère de notre Road trip, mais à part l’espace piscine plutôt charmant, l’équipement de notre chambre n’était pas à la hauteur du prix.
Pas d’eau chaude pour se doucher!
Pas de sèche-cheveux!
Manque de rangement pour une chambre avec deux lits doubles.
Petit déjeuner dehors correct mais il faisait froid.
Corrine N.
Corrine N.
Visité en février 2024
First, we arrive around 5pm and were told our room wasn’t ready (cleaned). Rooms are supposed to be ready at 3pm. They said two cleaners walked today. She told my boyfriend our room would be ready in 15 minutes. I am a professional cleaner and didn’t think 15 min would equal a good clean. Sure enough, we get to our room and there’s two little hairs on the sink and one on the bathtub. Much to everyone’s horror, five minutes after we are inside our room, someone opens our door from outside!!! I went out to see was this a housekeeper or what? I spoke with the lady who came in our room, she was another customer and they gave her a key for our room!!! Not sure how in the world the office messed up so badly there. No one apologized to us for this. The bathroom mirrors have black along the edges, looks to be from being old but I’m not sure. Tiles and bathtub cleaned but still dingy and tiles coming off where the shower curtain rod is. We went out for dinner, came back and our key wasn’t working. Had to go back to desk to get it fixed. We paid for two queen beds, we got two double beds. Terrible sleep as their doubles barely fit two adults. My boyfriend dealt with the staff, he’s way nicer than me. He said staff here were friendly. I understand crap happens but I feel like this hotel needs to do better. I would never come back or recommend this place.
Jorge G.
Jorge G.
Visité en février 2024
This is the worst experience ever when it comes to hotels. I don't understand how this location has any kind of good reviews. First of all, the moment you walk in it smells a mixture of mold and old age. For the price they want to charge here (which is not cheap, equal to most hotels here in Naples so you aren't saving money) they should at least invest in the upkeep of their rooms. I'm attaching pictures. Tye whole room is musty and severely outdated. The grounds are so horrible and not kept up at all. So frustrating and disappointing. The amount of problems and th3 cleanliness needed is horrifying. Missing or damaged doors. Missing room tiles. Mold and water damage everywhere. Do yourself a favor and stay pretty much ANYWHERE else. Hell, I would have been more comfortable in our rental car!
Sandy S.
Sandy S.
Visité en janvier 2024
Hard to believe but no heater in the room and they just installed brand new units but no heat! And breakfast is only served outside, it was 43 degrees last night, Ridiculous! Rooms are very spartan but clean, pool area is very nice
Judith M.
Judith M.
Visité en janvier 2024
So ???? disappointed, micro wave broken, no coffee pot. ???? just not what it used to be.
Visité en février 2020
Rapport Qualité/Prix
Cadre /ambiance
Hôtel avec deux piscines et jacuzzi, très calme. Une navette est disponible plusieurs fois par jour pour nous déposer à la mer.
Hôtel facile d'accès avec un parking
Les chambres sont spacieuses avec réfrigérateur et micro ondes
Le petit déjeuner autour de la pisicne est véritable plaisir. Il est même possible de se faire chiper une tranche de lard par les oiseaux ;)
Visité en janvier 2019
Rapport Qualité/Prix
Cadre /ambiance
Bel ensemble hôtelier
Complexe hôtelier joliment articulé autour de 2 piscines, dans la verdure. Les suites sont grandes, confortables, avec un coin salon télé bien agréable. Le petit déjeuner au bord de la piscine est un must !


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Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
2329, 9th Street North, Naples, États-Unis
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