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Avis des membres sur ECO BOUTIQUE HOSTAL GRAU

26 avis
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Peter M.
Peter M.
Visité en avril 2024
Wir waren zu zweit auf einem 5-tägigen Barcelona Trip im Hotel.
Die Lage ist hervorragend, ca 5 Gehminuten von der Plaça de Catalunya (dort hält der aerobus vom Flughafen) entfernt. Man ist zu Fuß super schnell im Barri Gotic, an den ramblas, und sehr nah am Mercat de la Boqueria. Ubahn ist auch sehr schnell zu Fuß erreichbar.
Das Zimmer war sehr sauber, das Bett sehr gepflegt und groß (ich glaube 1,80 Breite). Das Bad ist ebenfalls sehr sauber und eine große Dusche vorhanden.
Zuvor haben wir viel gelesen, dass es häufig sehr laut ist in Barcelona und auch den Hotels. Man hört hier minimal etwas aber alles in allem ist es sehr ruhig.
Das Personal ist super freundlich und hilfsbereit!

Einziges kleines Manko ist, dass wir keinen wirklichen Kleiderschrank hatten und so eher aus dem Koffer gelebt haben. Es gab Kleiderbügel, aber die haben wir nur für Hemden und Jacken verwendet. Dafür gab es neben dem Bett ein Sofa, das wir auch für unsere Klamotten Ablage verwendet haben.
Ein weiterer Punkt wäre das wenige Tageslicht in unserem Zimmer, da wir aber den ganzen Tag unterwegs waren ist auch das nicht so wild. Außerdem ist das vermutlich der Lage geschuldet, das Fenster zeigte in einen Innenhof und in dem Viertel ist nunmal nicht sehr viel Platz :)

Über die "negativen" Punkte haben wir sehr gerne hinweg gesehen und würden das Hotel jederzeit wieder buchen!
Soowon L.
Soowon L.
Visité en avril 2024
평가를 위해 이 호텔은 2성급 호텔임을 감안해야 합니다. 5성급 호텔과 비교하여 평가를 한다면 적절하지 않을 것 같습니다.

1. 객실의 청결도: 침대 시트에 먼지가 좀 쌓여 있었습니다. 환경보호를 위해 공용 샴푸 통이 비치되어 있었는데 통 자체는 깨끗하게 잘 관리된 듯 했습니다. 화장실에서 하수구 냄새가 좀 났는데, 다행히도 침대에서는 하수구 냄새를 맡지 않아도 되어서 잠 자는 데에는 문제가 없었습니다. 마드리드 호텔에서 머무는 동안 하수구 냄새 문제로 고생한 적이 있었습니다. 그래서 에코 부티크 호스텔 그라우에서 체크인할 때 매니저에게 하수구 냄새가 나지 않는 방으로 달라고 부탁했었는데, 매니저는 옛날 도시에 위치한 호텔의 하수구 문제는 어쩔 수 없다는 설명을 들었습니다. 전반적으로 객실은 깨끗한 편이라고 평가합니다.

2. 소음과 바깥 공해: 벽과 창문은 그냥 가림막 정도로 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다. 즉, 벽과 창문은 소음 방지 역할을 못한다고 보시면 됩니다. 밖에서 피우는 담배 냄새를 여과없이 방에서도 맡을 수 있었고요. 옆방이나 밖의 소음이 여과없이 들립니다. 옆방 말소리는 마치 옆에서 이야기하는 것 마냥 생생하게 들립니다. 그러나 여행 중 너무 피곤하여 소음 때문에 잠에서 깬 적은 없습니다.

3. 시설과 비품: 식당에서 커피를 공짜로 마실 수 있습니다. 아침식사를 신청하지 않았기 때문에 근처 까르푸에서 빵을 사다놓고 아침에 방에서 호텔 커피를 가져와 빵과 함께 해결했습니다.
객실에 티비가 없습니다. 객실 티슈, 쓰레기통도 없습니다. (화장실 휴지와 화장실 쓰레기통은 있습니다.) 빈티지 스타일의 책상과 의자가 있는데.... 빈티지를 좋아하지 않는 사람에게는 그저 낡은 책상과 의자일 뿐입니다....객실내에서 물을 끓일 수도 없고... 슬리퍼도 없습니다. 이는 2등급 호텔이니 감수해야 하는 부분이지요.

4. 위치: 도보 5분 거리에 지하철이 있고 주요 관광지(예, 아웃마켓이나 피카소 미술관 도보 10~15분)와 가까워 걸어다닐 수 있습니다. 위치가 좋은 편이라고 생각합니다.

5. 전반적인 분위기: 위의 소음 문제나 시설 문제에도 불구하고 3일 밤을 보냈던 기억이 좋은 편입니다. "아늑함"이 호텔의 전반적인 인상입니다. 직원 분들도 친절하셨고요.... 시설만 좀 더 보완된다면 (특히 방음... 창문을 이중창으로 교체해야 할 것 같습니다.) 호텔 등급을 올리는 데에는 문제가 없을 것 같습니다.
Sylvie M.
Sylvie M.
Visité en avril 2024
Notre appartement familial était idéal avec les fenêtres donnant sur le mur végétalisé sans bruits extérieurs. Tout l'hôtel est joliment décoré, le coin jeux a été particulièrement apprécié par nos filles! Petit-déjeuner avec produits de qualité. Emplacement de l'hôtel central, à proximité de la place Catalunya et de la Rambla - optimal!
Minyoung K.
Minyoung K.
Visité en avril 2024
¡ A place a blatant racism !

The staff and manager had racist and offensive conversations about my family in Spanish.
Probably they thought I wouldn't understand by talking in Spanish.
But thanks to the real-time translation and recording, I understood what it meant.

I definitely told them my name and even wrote it, but they called me Korean, not my name.
Also he said I looked like a drug junkie.
And a lot of other racist comments.

It wasn't just one employee's problem, he was talking to manager on the phone. The manager did it with him. I complained about racism, but they didn't even apologize. THEY RESPONDED IN A RATHER SARCASTIC TONE.

It was the most unpleasant experience I had traveling to over 20 cities in Europe.
l'd recommend Airbnb or other hotels that don't need to go through this unpleasant experience.


대놓고 “인종차별”하는 곳입니다.
스태프가 매니저와 스페인어로 통화하며 제 앞에서 저와 저희 가족 욕을 하더라구요ㅋ
스페인어로 말하면 못 알아들을 줄 알았겠지만
구글 번역기는 실시간으로 통역을 해준다는 사실을 몰랐나봅니다. 녹음을 하고 있다는 사실도.

분명히 제 이름을 알려주고 심지어 써주기까지 했는데 저를 이름으로 안부르고 계속 코리안이라고 지칭하질 않나, 마약 중독자 같다, 영어 못한다 등 사람이 눈 앞에 있는데 이런 말을 계속 하더라구요. 매니저에게 컴플레인 메일을 보냈더니 인종차별에 관해 사과는 커녕 오히려 조롱하였습니다.

한국분들을 위해 후기를 더 남기자면
룸 컨디션도 안 좋고
위치도 부랑배가 많은 으슥한 골목에 있어
원래도 추천하지 않는 곳이지만
인종차별하는 곳이기 때문에
더더욱 다른 좋은 곳에서 묵으시기를 추천드립니다.
Nicola S.
Nicola S.
Visité en avril 2024
He celebrado mi cumpleaños de 40 años en el espacio Kitchen Space del Hostal Grau y he quedado encantada. Fuimos un grupo de 10 amigas, nos sentimos como en casa, super acogedor el espacio y con un toque de lujo-vintage. Nos adaptaron la comida a vegetariano, fue excelente! Además el trato de las Cristinas, encargada y cocinera, fue súper amable.
Mich M.
Mich M.
Visité en mars 2024
Exceptional service. We had a fabulous stay and the location is amazing for being close to all the tourist areas. Would definitely stay again. The hotel is very clean and the rooms comfortable. On the 2nd night we realized that there was not a TV in the room, and we laughed that we had been so busy exploring the area that we didn't need it.
M B.
M B.
Visité en mars 2024
An sich ein schönes Hotel mit top Lage. Das Personal war auch freundlich und zuvorkommend.
Leider waren wir mit unserem Zimmer nicht zufrieden, es war sehr hellhörig (man hörte jeden Hotelgast, der im Flur vorbeiging oder auch Gäste oberhalb). Das Zimmer war klein und dunkel, da es direkt in den Innenhof blickte. Beim Reservieren dachte ich, dass wir ein größeres Zimmer bekommen werden.
(wie abgebildet)
Der Boden war nicht sauber und auch die Bettwäsche weiste am 1. Tag Flecken auf. Das Bad war ok, aber auch leider dunkel.
Klingeln musste man auch jedes Mal, wenn man ins Hotel hineinwollte (ein paar Mal ging die Klingel auch nicht)

Wer auf Minimalismus und auf eine sehr gute Lage steht, ist hier sicher gut aufgehoben. Für uns war es leider den Preis nicht wert. Schade.
Paddy M.
Paddy M.
Visité en mars 2024
This hotel was perfect for our needs! We stayed 3 nights the rooms were clean and the staff was very attentive. The breakfast was excellent all and all I would highly recommend this place as a non luxury hotel and would definitely stay there again if we returned to Barcelona.
David P.
David P.
Visité en mars 2024
Can't say enough good things about this hotel. Definitely the nicest '2 star' hotel I've ever stayed in. The room was comfortable for 3 adults and the balconies 3 floors up were delightful. We actually enjoyed the sounds from the street and would keep a door open when we weren't sleeping to enjoy it.

Just can't beat the location. Lots of sights, cafes and restaurants within a 10 minute walk. At the end of the day you know you are home when you see the palm tree in the little plaza.

The public areas of the hotel are quite inviting. Highly recommended for anyone traveling with a toddler. The play room is super cute! There is complimentary chilled or hot water with tea. An honor bar. A big table to spread out and enjoy a meal or plan a big day.

Adding on the bouquet of flowers is definitely worth it.
ramon c.
ramon c.
Visité en mars 2024
Estància Tranquila la habitación de diez, el personal muy agradable y atento, muy buenas vibraciones, zona muy céntrica, en definitiva todo muy bien.
Marie-Laure B.
Marie-Laure B.
Visité en mars 2024
Merveilleuse experience! Idéalement situé entre la Rambla et la Pl Catalyuana, proche de ttes les activités touristiques et chouettes restaus, l’hotel est charmant/ hyper confortable et tres joliment décoré. Chouette petit dejeuner avec beaucoup de choix. Le personnel a l’accueil est hyper serviable et a été adorable avec nos deux petites filles de 4 et 6 ans, avec de tres gentilles attentions. Je recommande ++++!
M e.
M e.
Visité en mars 2024
Me ha encantado tanto su ubicación como limpieza, amabilidad del
Personal y zonas comunes. Si vuelvo a Barcelona no lo voy a dudar, ese te será mi hotel de referencia.
Katarzyna W.
Katarzyna W.
Visité en mars 2024
Świetna lokalizacja, bardzo miła atmosfera.
Jose E.
Jose E.
Visité en mars 2024
Una auténtica sorpresa!!! Limpieza comodidad y un trato muy amable. La situación es excelente y el desayuno de primera. Volvere
Te'Devan K.
Te'Devan K.
Visité en mars 2024
I hope to die in an ashram but if I had to die in a hotel in Barcelona this would be where I die. Inside the hotel was very peaceful. I truly loved the place.
Boris B.
Boris B.
Visité en mars 2024
Normal darf man so ein Schmuckstück nicht bewerten, sonst ist es kein Geheimtipp mehr ????. Die Liebe zum Detail findet sich in jedem Winkel des Hotels. Ein perfekter Standort um Barcelona zu entdecken. Es ist wie eine Homebase. Freundlich, offen und immer einen Tipp für uns. Wir kommen sicher wieder ☺️
Bianca B.
Bianca B.
Visité en mars 2024
Liebes Hostal Grau Team,

wir haben Euer kleines feines Hotel zufällig online entdeckt u waren sofort sehr begeistert !

Soviel Liebe im Detail, freundliches sympathisches Personal beim Check-In, sehr geschmackvoll u gleichzeitig cooler Style in jeder Ecke, sehr gute Lage in Seitenstraße, fairer Preis!

Waren schon sehr oft unterwegs und sind total verliebt in dieses kl. Boutique Hotel !

Sind noch ein paar Tage hier :-)

In jedem Bereich verdiente 5 Sterne !

Wir werden es sehr gerne weiterempfehlen u wenn wir wieder in Barcelona sind gibt es gar keine Frage wo wir schlafen :-)

ganz großes Lob ans Team und weiter so ! Liebe Grüße Bianca & Boris Bregar ????☘️????????
s l.
s l.
Visité en février 2024
The very center of the city, nice employees, clean.
But… during all the days of my trip, I was not able to sleep properly even one night. Every evening the music started about 7-8 and stopped at 12 or 1 am. From 5:00- 6:00 in the morning, I heard every step of the neighbors from above, every opening of the door of the neighbors from the side. I heard everything even how neighbours took a shower or or flushed the water in the toilet … Of course, life in a big city is not possible without noise, but if you build a hotel and put up plasterboard walls, you can at least make noise insulation so that the guests can sleep.
Aki c.
Aki c.
Visité en février 2024



Koos W.
Koos W.
Visité en février 2024
This small boutique hotel in the middle of the lively city center has probably been the best hotel experience I’ve had. You’re right at the center of everything but the moment you step into the hotel, you’re at easy. It’s small, very stylish in terms of interior design and you instantly feel at home. The staff is great, super friendly, willing to help and provide tips for restaurants etc. (also, you can drop them a message in WhatsApp very easily, super quick response). We were in the apartment, with two kids, and it was perfect, again, great styling, but (very important) comfortable beds (!!) a welcome message from the team, everything super clean… perfection.

Next morning, the breakfast was one of the best hotel breakfasts I’ve ever had (and I’ve been in tons of hotels). Eggs made on the spot by the super friendly breakfast chef, really incredible.

I would definitely recommend staying in this exceptional hotel to everybody.

Thanks for the unforgettable stay.
Marije v.
Marije v.
Visité en février 2024
This hotel is wonderful. The staff is very friendly and helpful. The rooms are beautiful and clean. Location is perfect in the center near metro stations and the lounge and kitchen/breakfast area are amazingly cosy. I can highly recommend staying here.
Delphine H.
Delphine H.
Visité en février 2024
The hotel is located in a perfect location, a stone throw away from the hustle and bustle of Las Ramblas.
We loved staying there. Hostal Grau is truly an oasis of tranquillity and the room's got a country feel to it. Exactly what we needed after busy days visiting and shopping in the city. The bed is very comfortable and the room really spacious. Breakfast is a real treat with plenty of healthy and homemade options. No point skipping it! The hotel's efforts on sustainability are definitely commendable.
Everything was highly recommendable and we would definitely stay there again.
Cara D.
Cara D.
Visité en février 2024
The service was very friendly, the room was clean and thoughtfully decorated, and the price was reasonable.
Ingo L.
Ingo L.
Visité en février 2024
Überwiegend nettes Personal. Lage sehr zentral und nah an den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Zimmer sind ordentlich, sauber und gepflegt. Das Frühstück ist übersichtlich, Brötchen oder Croissants wären schön gewesen. Allerdings sind Croissants nicht spanisch ????. Ausreichend war es auf jeden Fall.
Alberto G.
Alberto G.
Visité en février 2024
La comodidad es lo mejor al estar excelentemente ubicado en plenas Ramblas, donde encuentras todo tipo de tiendas y restaurantes. El servicio muy amable y respetuoso, además tienen integrado un plan ecológico, con diversas acciones para respetar el medio ambiente. Las habitaciones muy limpias y espaciosas, lo único que no tienen TV, y es algo que aunque nosotros no echamos mucho de menos, siempre se da por hecho que deben tener los alojamientos. La calefacción excesivamente alta hasta tal punto que hay que dormir con la ventana abierta en pleno invierno, es algo que se contradice con la política ecológica.
Visité en juillet 2016
Rapport Qualité/Prix
Cadre /ambiance
La localisation est idéale, à deux pas de la Rambla et des magasins. Lorsque nous sommes dans la chambre, on ne pourrait imaginer être dans une rue tout de même animée et où il y a du passage le jour comme la nuit car l'insonorisation est irréprochable. La décoration est tendance, avec un style écolo (meubles /objets chinés, en bois,..). Ce petit hôtel est familial, on s'y sent bien. Le coin salon/ salle à manger est agréable et on y trouve toujours un très bon gâteau fait maison pour se détendre avec un thé ou un café: on se sert sois même, on s'assied autour de la table où dans le canapé, comme à la maison!
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