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Avis ONYX MÜHELY Budapest

Avis des membres sur ONYX MÜHELY

25 avis
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Miriam O.
Miriam O.
Visité en avril 2024
What a phenomenal dining adventure! The "Was, Is, Will be" dinner at Onyx left us absolutely awestruck.

Previously Hungary's first 2-star Michelin restaurant, Onyx was closed in 2020 but plans a reopening in the summer of 2024. In the interim, they've introduced concept dinners in a new venue named Onyx Mühely ("mühely" translates to workshop).

Our evening commenced simultaneously for all guests with an aperitif at the esteemed Gerbeaud café, a hallmark of Budapest's culinary scene, exuding a classic French fine dining ambiance. Here, adorned with black suits and white gloves, the staff served the initial three courses, each a tribute to culinary heritage.

Following the third course, we embarked on a pre-informed venue switch, led by a service team member who guides us around the building were we re-entered it just on the opposite side of where the evening had started.
The venue could not have been more contrasting: A modern setting of glass and steel, where the same staff now wore white kitchen jackets and casual trousers.

This stark shift fostered a more interactive and engaging atmosphere among guests, encouraged to mingle and observe the culinary process up close. A highlight was the "will be" themed pre-dessert, savored amidst the ongoing renovations of the future Onyx, offering us a glimpse into its evolution.

The menu allowed for omnivore or vegetarian selections for several courses, with all other dishes being vegetarian. Each dish showcased bold yet welcoming flavors and textures, striking a perfect balance between creativity and familiarity.

Both the local wine and the non-alcoholic drink pairing were of excellent quality. The non-alcoholic pairings were exceptionally crafted, setting a new standard for us in terms of creating aromatic drinks that are no less exciting than the wines that are served. It has become somewhat trendy to offer these alternative drink pairings, yet many restaurants do not get the flavors right or default to off-the-shelf options. Onyx was spot on though.

The service transitioned seamlessly from professional to personable, mirroring the setting's transformation and effectively narrating Onyx's transformative journey through not just taste but also experience.This dining event was undeniably the most memorable I've ever encountered, transcending the realms of mere gastronomy to engage with the psychology of its guests, making it an unparalleled experience in every sense.
Evelyne K.
Evelyne K.
Visité en mars 2024
Incroyable expérience! Le resto le plus original que nous ayons fait!
Patrice B.
Patrice B.
Visité en mars 2024
One of my best dining experiences and hands down thr best restaurant in Hungary
louise j.
louise j.
Visité en mars 2024
Fantastisk oplevelse! Meget specielt at blive opvartet på den måde. Søde mennesker som virkelig går op deres mad og betjening. Vi fik 9 rettet med tilhørende vin fra national vingård. Det var en fornøjelse og giver min største anbefaling. Mvh Louise, Danmark
Janni L.
Janni L.
Visité en mars 2024
Onyx var en helt fantastisk oplevelses, kan kun anbefales men husk at bestille bord.
Visité en mars 2024
Had an outstanding experience with 5 friends. The food was outstanding, but was also interesting and experimental. It was a unique experience as they made it very inter-active.
Christine S.
Christine S.
Visité en février 2024
Best experience I’ve ever had in my life!
arne b.
arne b.
Visité en février 2024
It's been a year since we dined at Onyx Műhely, but it was definitely the best culinary experience I've had in a very long time. Terrific food, service and ambiance. Our dinner there was the one thing I was looking forward to the most during my visit to Budapest, and boy, did they exceed my expectations. Highly recommended!
Erel A.
Erel A.
Visité en février 2024
We recently celebrated a 30th birthday at Onyx and had a wonderful time. The staff went above and beyond to make it a special occasion, gifting us special birthday treats and attention that made the birthday guest feel truly special. The food was good, although no dish was actually too unique or made us go "wow". We opted for the 10 course tasting menu and every dish was creative, artfully presented by the talented chefs and crew. The only small complaint was that the map and dish card at our table referenced a longer tasting menu than what we were served, so it was a bit confusing, but otherwise everything from the food to the ambiance was top-notch. We're so appreciative of the thoughtful touches to make a milestone birthday feel celebrated in style. Onyx Myhely is a gem of Budapest!
mette m.
mette m.
Visité en février 2024
Fuldstændig unik oplevelse !
Vanvittigt smukke omgivelser og utroligt mange indtryk fra både helt dybdegående information fra tjenerne og alt det visuelle. Madens historie og tanker bag, var fantastisk, men selve smagene var ikke lige mig. Dog var det egentlig underordnet i det at hele oplevelsen var fantastisk. Min veninde fik vinmenu som var super og Onyx havde fremstillet deres egne vine
Visité en février 2024
The absolute most unique and enjoyable gourmet experience! just a must see venue as Well! We felt very lucky to be there to experience their “was, is, will be” concept! Perfect for every feinschmecker or “wannabe feinschmecker”
Thank you for everything!
Natalia D.
Natalia D.
Visité en février 2024
Beautiful evening at Onyx restaurant. We were consuming the “ WAS, IS” menu, where the food took us through different eras.
Competent waiters and chiefs. Very down to earth for a exclusive restaurant to be.
Murat P.
Murat P.
Visité en février 2024
I had an extraordinary experience at Onyx Muhely – a culinary journey seamlessly spanning the past, present, and future. The meticulously crafted dishes were not only sublime but also thoughtfully curated. Despite being in an experimental phase, their expertise shone through. Sharing this gastronomic adventure with 18 fellow travelers made it even more special. I'm eagerly anticipating the opening of their new restaurant; Onyx Muhely is truly a culinary haven. My heartfelt thanks to the entire team for making my birthday unforgettable.
Jesse P.
Jesse P.
Visité en janvier 2024
Wonderfully interactive, and easily the best dining experience we had in Budapest! It's clear this team is passionate about their craft.
Daniela H.
Daniela H.
Visité en janvier 2024
Great experience but needs to be booked in advance!
Erika S.
Erika S.
Visité en janvier 2024
Vasárnap este egy egészen különleges eseményen vettünk részt az Onyx Műhelyben.

Lezárult az étterem Metamorfózis korszaka, és ebből az alkalomból Utolsó Járat néven egy szuper, önfeledt fiestát rendeztek.

A Metamorfózis emblematikus ételei 13 tételes flying buffet formában jelentek meg, az este folyamán a pincérek folyamatosan hordták a finomságokat. A tálalás is fantasztikus, a kis tányérokon, vagy épp petricsészében érkező minden fogás kifinomult, aprólékosan kidolgozott volt.

A pezsgőt a Sauska pincészet biztosította, és mivel a házi, szuperfinom feketeszeder és fenyőrügy szörp mellett a Brut Nature pezsgő is korlátlanul állt rendelkezésre, így a hangulat hamar emelkedetté vált.

Óriási ötlet volt a graffiti, az idő előrehaladtával egyre többen ragadtak festék sprayt vagy filctollat, hogy egy rajzzal, felirattal nyomot hagyjanak az utókornak az üres falakon.

Bontottunk már pezsgőt sabragezsal, de itt kipróbálhattuk kalapáccsal is, ami egyáltalán nem volt egyszerű, különösen akkor nem, ha az ember már megivott pár pohárral. Van abban viszont valami dekadens, amikor a Vörösmarty téren kalapáccsal nyitom ki a kedvenc italomat, így kár lett volna kihagyni.

A szervezők ezen kívül is készültek érdekes programokkal!
Sok izgalmas dolgot tudtunk meg Niszkács Annától, az Onyx tulajdonosától, akivel egy Gerbeaud Ház túrán vettünk rész. Mesélt a kezdetekről, a Gerbeaud történetéről, macskanyelvről, konyakmeggyről, és átsétálhattunk a Gerbaud konyháján is.

Bepillantást nyerhettünk pár műhelytitokba is Góg Angéla food dizájner és formatervezőtől, megtudtuk, hogy az alkotói folyamat hosszú hónapokat ölel fel, milyen szerepe van a tálalásnak, a tányéroknak, illetve hogy egy menü hogy épül fel egy tematika köré. Angi olyan megszállottan és lelkesen tud beszélni az ételekről, formákról, színekről és ízekről, hogy órákig el tudnám hallgatni, majd rohannék főzni.

Molnárka Simon frissen sült, isteni állagú kenyerei a műhelykonyhában külön program volt, a belül puha-foszlós, kívül finoman ropogós kenyér tökéletes társa volt a kétféle vajnak, illetve a kis tálkákban kínált pecsenyezsírnak.

Ez volt az egyik legjobb gasztroélményem, sok ötletes programmal, finom ízekkel, és soha el nem fogyó pezsgővel, remélem kedves Onyx szerveztek még ilyet!
Lilian H.
Lilian H.
Visité en décembre 2023
What a unique dining experience. It was interesting to hear about the history of the establishment and also the explanations behind the food - creating a mental visual of the food via words was a first experience and a memorable one.
Most of the food was good with a few underwhelming dishes. The bread and main protein dishes were my favorite along with the mushroom soup - such interesting layers of flavor! The time in between dishes/courses was way too long. Understandably the kitchen team is preparing each dish on the spot by course, but can there be more prep work ahead of time? Our dinner lasted 3.5 hours and it certainly didn't need to be. The dinner should have been 2.5 hours max. Our reservation was for 8pm, yet we didn't begin until 8:17 due to stragglers. If people are late that's their problem; the restaurant should start - the rest of us were on time. We spent the last half hour dawdling over post-dinner digestifs and coffee. Could that be offered in conjunction with the multiple dessert courses rather than after? I had to ask for our check or we likely would have been there even longer. Time is money and we spent too long sitting there. Lastly, though most of the dishes were good, we were not full when we left. Consider some more substantial courses rather than two courses of foam and finger foods. Some improvements needed but overall a recommended experience to all.
Alice E.
Alice E.
Visité en décembre 2023
Loved the experience! Unique, recommend if you are in Budapest
Kenneth P.
Kenneth P.
Visité en décembre 2023
Fantastisk oplevelse på øverste hylde
Kim A.
Kim A.
Visité en décembre 2023
3 big (Michelin) stars!

These are given for the food, which is really good but to be honest, the taste as a whole complete experience was a little bit of a disappointment and we have visited quite some Michelin restaurants by now.
This is not said to be rude, because I have big respect for the craftsmanship behind the food - and the food was really good - but from a 2-star restaurant team I did expect a bit more, taste wise, to be honest.

The atmosphere however and the choice of interaction with the guests was top class and well planned as could be - thanks for letting us in like this!

Only feeling during and afterwards was, when visiting a 2-star team I do expect to be blown away in taste compositions in the food and wine pairings (wines were only a wee bit above average - and that is as nice as I can put that without insulting anybody...) that underline why you pay big money to visit restaurants of this caliber - here I/we walked away with a feeling that we got more of a show than a dinner (food experience)... the show was great, but Michelin restaurants should be the other way around - more of a dinner (food experience) than a show...

Dear ONYX Creative Community
Thanks for the feedback/clarification, but I am aware of the history because we spoke to the team on the day of our dinner experience.
This review was meant as constructive feedback and we had a wonderful experience and with great food, but I still felt the experience was more a feeling of "the show" rather than the "food/taste experience" - which is also why my entire review was concerning "the 2-star team" rather than "the 2-star restaurant", because we were told that the main part of the team was the same, but just "different restaurant".

We are very much looking forward to the new setup and would love to visit!

Shirley I.
Shirley I.
Visité en novembre 2023
We were lucky enough to get a reservation here for one of their conceptual meals.
An absolutely unbelievable experience.
Every detail was exquisite, the presentation impeccable and the food is amazing!!!
A night to remember!
Nagy V.
Nagy V.
Visité en novembre 2023
Ez az este nem egy vacsora: ígéretének megfelelő, minden részletében kigondolt, begyakorolt utazás az ízek, textúrák, illatok és színek körül, elképesztő profi, felkészült, figyelmes és kedves "idegenvezetőkkel", akiket érezhetően, őszintén az motivál, hogy megoszthassák másokkal mindazt, amit számukra választott hivatásuk és az étel szeretete, élvezete jelent. Igazi élmény volt, köszönjük!
maria a.
maria a.
Visité en novembre 2023
Unique experience !!! Something out of the ordinary !!
Peter S.
Peter S.
Visité en novembre 2023
Fantastisk oplevelse, fantastisk service og stemningen var helt i top.
Peter S.
Peter S.
Visité en novembre 2023
Virkelig en kulinarisk oplevelse som turist i Budapest. Gennemført tema i den gamle metro-station. Og maden var virkelig en skøn oplevelse
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