40 avis
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Les notes et les avis ci-dessous reflètent les opinions subjectives des membres et non l'avis du Petit Futé.

Visité en décembre 2023
(Traduit par Google) L'hospitalité est excellente et hors de ce monde. Nous sommes un couple de voyageurs et faisions un road trip avant de finalement décider de rester à Menjangan après avoir traversé le détroit de Bali, et bon sang, nous n'avons pas été déçus de notre choix. Nous avons passé le prochain 3D2N à Noël avec d'excellents services, une grande chambre, des animaux sauvages et de la bonne nourriture. Je vous recommande d'essayer leur expérience de saut sur l'île de Menjangan. J'ai également essayé la plongée libre pour la première fois lors de cette excursion en bateau. Merci à tout l'équipage d'avoir rendu mon voyage très mémorable. Que Dieu vous bénisse tous.
(Avis d'origine)
Hospitality is top notch and out of this world. We are couple traveller and was doing road trip before finally decided to stay in Menjangan after crossing Bali strait, and boy oh boy we were not dissapointed with our choice. We spent the next 3D2N over Christmas with excellent services, large room, wild animals, and great foods. I recommend for you to try their experience of hopping to Menjangan Island. I also tried free diving for the first time during this boat trip. Thanks to all the crew for making my trip very memorable. God bless you all.
(Avis d'origine)
Hospitality is top notch and out of this world. We are couple traveller and was doing road trip before finally decided to stay in Menjangan after crossing Bali strait, and boy oh boy we were not dissapointed with our choice. We spent the next 3D2N over Christmas with excellent services, large room, wild animals, and great foods. I recommend for you to try their experience of hopping to Menjangan Island. I also tried free diving for the first time during this boat trip. Thanks to all the crew for making my trip very memorable. God bless you all.

Daiana B.
Visité en décembre 2023
(Traduit par Google) Tout était très bon et les choses très sympas. Nous avons passé 2 nuits extraordinaires dans cet endroit et nous avons beaucoup apprécié. Très privé et au coeur de la forêt avec des animaux et de superbes vues. De plus, la nourriture du restaurant était délicieuse. Bel endroit.
(Avis d'origine)
Everything was very good and the stuff very nice. We spent 2 amazing nights in that place and we enjoyed a lot. Very private and in the heart of the forest with animals and great views. Also the food from the restaurant was delicios. Great place.
(Avis d'origine)
Everything was very good and the stuff very nice. We spent 2 amazing nights in that place and we enjoyed a lot. Very private and in the heart of the forest with animals and great views. Also the food from the restaurant was delicios. Great place.

Lara A.
Visité en décembre 2023
Tempat menginap nyaman dengan pemandangan pantai, makanan dan minumannya semua reccomended, service staffnya ramah dan fast respon|Kamar yang mewah yang sangat nyaman dan bisa aktivitas snorkeling dan kayak di pantai.||

Hipo O.
Visité en décembre 2023
(Traduit par Google) Séjour toujours mémorable à Plataran. Personnel très sympathique et serviable. La nourriture est très délicieuse. L'activité de promenade matinale avec Beuli Gede a été mémorable pour nous. Ensuite, nous voulons essayer celui de 4 km. Le meilleur programme d'adoption de plantes et les invités reçoivent 1 arbre gratuit à planter. Merci Plataran Menjangan. À la prochaine.
(Avis d'origine)
Selalu berkesan stay di Plataran. Staff yg sangat ramah dan membantu. Makananny enak sekali. Kegiatan morning walk dgn Beuli Gede berkesan utk kami. Next kami mau coba yg 4km. The best a/ program adopsi tanaman dan tamu yg mendapat free 1 pohon utk ditanam. Terima kasih Plataran Menjangan. Sampai ketemu lagi.
(Avis d'origine)
Selalu berkesan stay di Plataran. Staff yg sangat ramah dan membantu. Makananny enak sekali. Kegiatan morning walk dgn Beuli Gede berkesan utk kami. Next kami mau coba yg 4km. The best a/ program adopsi tanaman dan tamu yg mendapat free 1 pohon utk ditanam. Terima kasih Plataran Menjangan. Sampai ketemu lagi.

Liam P.
Visité en décembre 2023
(Traduit par Google) Nous avons séjourné dans une villa forestière pendant 10 nuits à partir de fin novembre. Bien que la chambre soit la moins chère, le niveau et le caractère de la villa semblaient élevés. C'était une chambre très confortable et intéressante. Très bon rapport qualité/prix, rien que pour la chambre elle-même. J'ai séjourné dans des complexes hôteliers beaucoup plus chers, qui ne semblaient pas aussi confortables et qui n'avaient pas autant de caractère que Plataran Menjangan. || Le complexe lui-même semblait rustique et sauvage, mais soigné en même temps. Nous avions vraiment l'impression de sortir dans la nature, loin de l'agitation de la vie quotidienne, ce que nous voulions. Situé dans le parc national de l'ouest de Bali, le complexe est bien intégré dans la nature de manière durable, ce qui est aujourd'hui très important, comme il aurait toujours dû l'être.||Tous les membres du personnel étaient très polis, arrangeants et serviables à tous points de vue. |Service que vous attendez en payant beaucoup plus d'argent. Un jour, nous avons fait notre lessive et j'ai laissé une somme d'argent raisonnable dans ma poche. Le membre du personnel chargé de la blanchisserie a frappé à notre porte pour nous rendre l'argent. Un reflet du peuple Balinesse dans sa globalité - Des gens très honnêtes, attentionnés et travailleurs. ||Nous avons d'abord fait leur rencontre "Into the blue", qui proposait un déjeuner et une visite de l'île de Menjangan qui était charmante, avec 2 sorties de plongée en apnée. Nous avons pu découvrir la riche culture balinaise en explorant certains des temples de l'île. Le délicieux déjeuner nous a été préparé dans un magnifique décor sur la plage.||Dans le bleu, c'était si agréable que nous avons décidé de faire une croisière d'une journée supplémentaire sur le pinisi indonésien traditionnel, où nous avons dîné et des canapés à bord, et nous l'avons fait. 2 sorties snorkeling et une autre visite de l'île Menjangan. Cependant, comme nous avons déjà vu l'île, ils nous ont montré différentes choses et nous ont préparé des prières bouddhistes spéciales dans l'un des temples bouddhistes car l'un de nous était bouddhiste. Un ajout très réfléchi. ||Pour commenter la plongée en apnée sur l'île de Menjangan, c'était incroyable. Cela a dépassé nos attentes à tous points de vue et nos guides lors des deux voyages ont été formidables. Nous ne savions même pas que des coraux aussi beaux existaient encore ainsi. C'était très émouvant d'entrer dans la mer et de voir une telle variété de vie et de couleurs. Cela m’a vraiment fait réfléchir plus que jamais à l’impact que j’ai sur l’environnement. Même la plongée en apnée au large de la jetée du complexe, même si certaines parties étaient mortes, était toujours incroyable pour nous et était quelque chose à faire lors de nos journées de détente. || Je ne resterais pas nécessairement aussi longtemps la prochaine fois. L'emplacement du complexe est à l'écart, à environ 4 à 5 heures d'endroits comme Ubud, mais à l'écart, c'est exactement ce que nous recherchions, donc ce n'est pas un reproche en tant que tel. |Cependant, après le sixième jour, j'ai commencé à avoir envie d'aller explorer davantage Bali, car il y a tellement de choses à voir. |Pas le moindre reflet de la station, juste une mauvaise planification/prévoyance de ma part. La prochaine fois, je réserverai les vols et l'hôtel directement, et non via TUI comme je l'ai fait. Le trajet depuis l’aéroport international Ngurah Rai durait 5 heures. Après 28 heures de voyage depuis le Royaume-Uni, c'était un peu trop. Mais néanmoins, c’était agréable de traverser Bali et de le voir ! Le trajet de départ vers notre prochain hôtel a été rendu spécial par notre chauffeur, Putu, qui nous a montré des endroits sur le chemin, ce qui était génial. L'hôtel nous a même préparé à manger pour le trajet en taxi. Donc, j'estime que j'aurais plutôt dû réserver des vols pour l'aéroport international de Banyuwangi à Java et prendre le ferry du port de ferry de Ketapang à Bali. Le trajet durerait 2 heures, donc beaucoup plus rapide que l'itinéraire TUI. Ensuite, restez à Plataran pendant x jours, puis commencez à voyager vers l'est à travers Bali, etc. || Cependant, le personnel a fait des efforts supplémentaires pour s'assurer que notre long séjour soit rempli d'activités afin que nous ne nous ennuyions pas. Ils nous ont même offert une séance de spa gratuite et nous ont emmenés au village local pour acheter des choses à la fin de notre séjour, ce qui était très gentil et apprécié de leur part. || Dans l'ensemble, rien à redire sur le voyage et je le recommanderais. Les singes du complexe sont un peu effrontés et ont volé ma pâtisserie au petit-déjeuner le premier jour. Mais c'était un divertissement supplémentaire et une fois que vous savez comment gérer les singes, tout va bien. ||Ayu, Gede (qui a fait une incroyable marche d'essai de la vie avec nous), Dharma, Yuda et Putu, notre chauffeur de taxi, étaient les noms qui nous ont marqué et qui ont rendu notre séjour encore plus spécial. Cependant, tous les membres du personnel ont fait un travail incroyable. Merci à tous !|
(Avis d'origine)
We stayed in a forest villa for 10 nights from late November. Whilst the cheapest room, the standard and character of the villa felt high. It was a very comfortable and interesting room to stay in. Very good value for money, just for the room itself. I've stayed in much more expensive resorts/ hotels, which didn't feel as comfortable or house as much character as Plataran Menjangan.||The resort itself felt rustic and wild, but cared for at the same time. Definitely felt like we were getting out into the wild, away from the busyness of everyday life, which is what we wanted. Situated in the West Bali National Park, the resort is well integrated into nature in a sustainable way, which nowadays is very important, as it always should have been.||All members of staff were very polite, accomodating and helpful in every way. |Service you would expect from having to pay a lot more money. We had our laundry done one day and I left a reasonable amount of money in my pocket. The member of staff dealing with the laundry knocked on our door to return the money. A reflection of the Balinesse people in their entirety - Very honest, caring and hard working people. ||We initially did their "Into the blue" encounter, which offered lunch and a tour of Menjangan island which was lovely, with 2 snorkeling trips. We got to see rich Balinesse culture by exploring some of the temples on the island. The delicious lunch was set up for us in a beautiful display on the beach.||Into the blue was so nice, we decided to do an additional day cruise on the traditional indonesian pinisi, where we had dinner and canapes on board, and did 2 snorkeling trips and another tour of the Menjangan Island. Though as we already saw the island, they showed us different things, and prepared us special buddhist prayers in one of the buddhist temples due to one of us being buddhist. A very thoughtful addition. ||To comment on the snorkeling at Menjangan Island, it was incredible. It exceeded our expectations in every way, and our guides on both trips were great. We didn't even know coral so beautiful still existed like this. It was quite emotional getting into the sea and seeing such a variety of life and color. It's really made me think about the effect I have on the environment, moreso than ever before. Even the snorkeling off the resort's Jetty, whilst some of it dead, was still was amazing to us, and was something to do on our relax days.||I wouldn't necessarily stay for so long next time. The location of the resort is out of the way, about 4-5 hours from places like Ubud, but out of the way is exactly what we wanted, so not a complaint as such. |Though, after day 6, I started to feel like I'd like to go and explore Bali more, as there is so much to see. |Not a reflection of the resort in the slightest, just bad planning/ foresight on my part. Next time I will book flights and the hotel direct, and not through TUI like I did. The drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport was 5 hours. After a 28 hour journey from the UK, it was a bit much. But nonetheless, was nice to get to drive through Bali and see it! The departing drive to our next hotel was made special by our driver, Putu, showing us places on the way which was great. The hotel even prepared us food for the taxi journey.|So, I feel I should have instead book flights to Banyuwangi International Airport on Java, and take the ferry from Ketapang Ferry Port to Bali. The journey would be 2 hours, so a lot quicker than TUIs route. Then, stay at Plataran for x amount of days, then start to travel east across Bali etc...||However, the staff did make extra effort to make sure our long stay was filled with activities so we didn't get bored. They even offered us a free spa session and took us to the local village to buy things at the end of our stay which was very nice of them and appreciated.||Overall not one complaint of the jouney and would recommend it. The monkeys on the resort are a bit cheeky and stole my pastry at breakfast on the first day. But this was added entertainment and once you know how to deal with the monkeys it's fine. ||Ayu, Gede (who did an amazing Trial of Life walk with us), Dharma, Yuda and Putu our taxi driver were the names that stood out to us of who made our stay extra special. Though, all members of staff did an amazing job. Thank you all!|
(Avis d'origine)
We stayed in a forest villa for 10 nights from late November. Whilst the cheapest room, the standard and character of the villa felt high. It was a very comfortable and interesting room to stay in. Very good value for money, just for the room itself. I've stayed in much more expensive resorts/ hotels, which didn't feel as comfortable or house as much character as Plataran Menjangan.||The resort itself felt rustic and wild, but cared for at the same time. Definitely felt like we were getting out into the wild, away from the busyness of everyday life, which is what we wanted. Situated in the West Bali National Park, the resort is well integrated into nature in a sustainable way, which nowadays is very important, as it always should have been.||All members of staff were very polite, accomodating and helpful in every way. |Service you would expect from having to pay a lot more money. We had our laundry done one day and I left a reasonable amount of money in my pocket. The member of staff dealing with the laundry knocked on our door to return the money. A reflection of the Balinesse people in their entirety - Very honest, caring and hard working people. ||We initially did their "Into the blue" encounter, which offered lunch and a tour of Menjangan island which was lovely, with 2 snorkeling trips. We got to see rich Balinesse culture by exploring some of the temples on the island. The delicious lunch was set up for us in a beautiful display on the beach.||Into the blue was so nice, we decided to do an additional day cruise on the traditional indonesian pinisi, where we had dinner and canapes on board, and did 2 snorkeling trips and another tour of the Menjangan Island. Though as we already saw the island, they showed us different things, and prepared us special buddhist prayers in one of the buddhist temples due to one of us being buddhist. A very thoughtful addition. ||To comment on the snorkeling at Menjangan Island, it was incredible. It exceeded our expectations in every way, and our guides on both trips were great. We didn't even know coral so beautiful still existed like this. It was quite emotional getting into the sea and seeing such a variety of life and color. It's really made me think about the effect I have on the environment, moreso than ever before. Even the snorkeling off the resort's Jetty, whilst some of it dead, was still was amazing to us, and was something to do on our relax days.||I wouldn't necessarily stay for so long next time. The location of the resort is out of the way, about 4-5 hours from places like Ubud, but out of the way is exactly what we wanted, so not a complaint as such. |Though, after day 6, I started to feel like I'd like to go and explore Bali more, as there is so much to see. |Not a reflection of the resort in the slightest, just bad planning/ foresight on my part. Next time I will book flights and the hotel direct, and not through TUI like I did. The drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport was 5 hours. After a 28 hour journey from the UK, it was a bit much. But nonetheless, was nice to get to drive through Bali and see it! The departing drive to our next hotel was made special by our driver, Putu, showing us places on the way which was great. The hotel even prepared us food for the taxi journey.|So, I feel I should have instead book flights to Banyuwangi International Airport on Java, and take the ferry from Ketapang Ferry Port to Bali. The journey would be 2 hours, so a lot quicker than TUIs route. Then, stay at Plataran for x amount of days, then start to travel east across Bali etc...||However, the staff did make extra effort to make sure our long stay was filled with activities so we didn't get bored. They even offered us a free spa session and took us to the local village to buy things at the end of our stay which was very nice of them and appreciated.||Overall not one complaint of the jouney and would recommend it. The monkeys on the resort are a bit cheeky and stole my pastry at breakfast on the first day. But this was added entertainment and once you know how to deal with the monkeys it's fine. ||Ayu, Gede (who did an amazing Trial of Life walk with us), Dharma, Yuda and Putu our taxi driver were the names that stood out to us of who made our stay extra special. Though, all members of staff did an amazing job. Thank you all!|

Aki Y.
Visité en décembre 2023
Tempat yang bagus dan nyaman untuk berlibur bersama keluarga dan kerabat terdekat, view yang sangat indah dan bagus,ditambah banyak satwa satwa yang indah..pasti buat kita sekeluarga bakal balik ke sini lagi...

Ketut M.
Visité en décembre 2023
Tempat yg pas untuk liburan karna hotel ini ada di tempat yang jauh dari kramaian indah dan damai disini kita bisa jalan jalan menikmati suasana alam kita juga bisa melihat menjangan.ayam hutan.burung jalak bali dan beragam macam burung.

Visité en décembre 2023
Tempat Berlibur yang istimewa, menawarkan kenyamanan dan keindahan alam yang masih terlidungi, selain Hutan dan Satwa liar yang masih asri Terlindungi juga jauh dari keramaian dan polusi kendaraan, Stafnya juga sangat sopan dan baik.

I G.
Visité en décembre 2023
(Traduit par Google) Belle vue et belle expérience, unis à la nature, et les gens sont très sympathiques, la mer est si belle et il y a tellement d'animaux. Repas très délicieux. Le complexe est très propre et solitaire. Et le complexe propose des activités très agréables pour profiter du coucher de soleil sur l'île de Menjangan.
(Avis d'origine)
Nice view and the great experience, unite with nature, and the people are very friendly, sea is so beutiful and very so much animals. Very delicious meal. The resort is very clean and lonely. And the resort have a some activity is very nice to the menjangan island enjoy to the sunset.
(Avis d'origine)
Nice view and the great experience, unite with nature, and the people are very friendly, sea is so beutiful and very so much animals. Very delicious meal. The resort is very clean and lonely. And the resort have a some activity is very nice to the menjangan island enjoy to the sunset.
Y aller et contacter

West Bali National Park, Jl. Raya Seririt - Gilimanuk, Gerokgak, Pejarakan, Gerokgak, Buleleng Regency,
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Les meilleurs à Pemuteran et autour
(Avis d'origine)
*villa*||Stayed at the two bedroom villa. Villa was clean and insect-free despite having a lot of open spaces including outdoor bathrooms. The smell inside the villa and bathroom is very pleasant. Though, mattress and pillows are too hard for a 5-star resort. ||*service*||Overall, service was smooth and staffs are very attentive. ||*experiences*||NYE dinner experience was pretty fun ???? Staffs were enjoying themselves which was a good sight to see. ||Would recommend staying at Plataran Menjangan for the snorkelling experience (had to pay extra per person to go on a snorkelling excursion). Snorkelling experience was next-level stuff (great guide, clean boat, amazing underwater views). ||*cons*||The location is extremely far (~5 hours from Jimbaran/Ubud), so I feel like you need to MENTALLY prepare yourself especially travelling during the peak season. ||When we went to the resort for check-in, we had a pitstop at The View Munduk restaurant halfway through the journey, but the overall experience here is not a vibe because service was so slow….||The roads within the resort are completely rough (think of the off road drive vibes) so riding the buggy experience was not giving 5 star experience. The buggies are not that squeaky clean. ||The day we arrived for check-in, we went to the pool in the evening after sunset and the lights around the pool were under maintenance so the pool was very dark. I mean probably could have done the maintenance on a random day.