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Avis des membres sur COMBO VENEZIA

32 avis
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Isadora V.
Isadora V.
Visité en avril 2024
Amazing place with beautiful view from our bedroom! The room was spacious and comfortable but we missed a mirror to get ready for the day.

Great staff. Special thanks to Julio who was very helpful ☺️
Giuseppe C.
Giuseppe C.
Visité en avril 2024
Solo self service. Una corte interna gradevole, di solito affollata.
Piotr B.
Piotr B.
Visité en avril 2024
klimatyczne miejsce, bar w dobrych cenach
ilona r.
ilona r.
Visité en avril 2024
Fajne miejsce .dużo przestrzeni . Dobre piwo .obsługa nadąsana.
Marco V.
Marco V.
Visité en avril 2024
Gli insulti e la.maleducazione dei proprietari e addetti ai servizi sanno come fare trovare tutto sporco nemmeno un caffè si riesce a bere in un ambiente pulito...tutti possono fumare ma qualcuno è considerato male oltre ogni legge e l'educazione non esiste a tal punto che in un non niente si viene aggrediti da personale anche con coltello in mano in branco imprecando e spintonando con sgambetti contro gli spigoli
prima di tutto e riesce a fare capire come mai non valga la pena bere un bicchiere d'acqua dato lo sporco ovunque e la presunzione di falliti quanto incompetenti... veramente mi hanno offeso come non mai senza porsi problemi.
Ofer E.
Ofer E.
Visité en avril 2024
Beautiful quiet little place, great place for quiet work or study.
Salvador H.
Salvador H.
Visité en avril 2024
Tiene una terraza enorme con arboles y plantas perfecta para desayunar con un poco de sol.
Eren A.
Eren A.
Visité en avril 2024
I didn't stay. I spent time in cafe. Prices are affordable. I love garden of Combo and garden's tree. At my next trip to Venice, I will visit again.
Olga S.
Olga S.
Visité en avril 2024
Our family stayed 4 days in Venice in April 2024 and spent 5 nights at the Combo Hostel. The family apartment was clean, modern and offered enough space for a family of four. The cleaning lady came every day and even changed the towels, which is not common for a hostel. The personnel is very helpful.
The hostel itself is big, clean and friendly, with many young people (as far as I understood Combo offers rooms to Venician students as well) but also tourists of all ages.
I definitely recommend this place. It is approx. 30 min by foot from the central station, and at the same time just next to the lagoon.
Joerij T.
Joerij T.
Visité en avril 2024
Veronica V.
Veronica V.
Visité en avril 2024
Bellissimo ambiente multifunzionale che nasce come ostello/albergo ma che oggi offre una vera e propria oasi di pace in cui rifugiarsi dal caos veneziano. Sorge All'interno di un antico convento associato alla chiesa e dentro insuoi chiostri si può oggi venire per leggere e riposrsi bevendo un buon caffe o facendo un aperitivo. Ci sono due bar all'interno ma non è necessario consumare per rilassarsi nelle aree comuni. Assolutamente consigliato per una pausa. Fuori dalle solite rotte turistiche reata molto defilato.
Elena R.
Elena R.
Visité en avril 2024
Fuimos a la cafetería a desayunar. Fue el desayuno más barato de nuestra estancia en Venecia y con nada que envidiar a otros sitios. Muy recomendable!!!
Alvise V.
Alvise V.
Visité en mars 2024
Luogo splendido, prezzi da turisti.
Eréndira D.
Eréndira D.
Visité en mars 2024
Amazing building with very good adaptations. The staff was nice and my room was perfect with a view to the canal.
Deirdre M.
Deirdre M.
Visité en mars 2024
Because we were in Venice during Carnavale, we LOVED the location. Just a short 15 minute walk from St. Mark's, our piazza was so quiet - away from the crowds and noise. We were just a minute from the water taxi to Murano/Burano and the airport so it was really convenient. Plenty of coffee shops/restaurants within 2-3 minutes. Will definitely return!
Diego M.
Diego M.
Visité en mars 2024
Wunderschönes Hotel und wirklich sehr großes Räume trotz Venedig!

Die Gegend ist auch super. Man kommt direkt vom Flughafen mit dem Vaporetto an und es ist nicht überlaufen von Tourist:innen. In der Nähe gibt es sehr gute Restaurants und Bars, wo viele Einheimische hingehen.

Der Service und das Frühstück im Combo sind super! Die Bar kann ich auch sehr empfehlen, sehr günstige Preise und leckere Produkte.
Charlotte W.
Charlotte W.
Visité en mars 2024
Prior to arrival one member of our group had her payment blocked by her bank due to ‘the hotel not having up-to-date security’, and another received 2 separate messages from scammers (1 successful) both claiming to be the manager of the hotel. The first of these scammers had all her details; including full name, phone number, payment information and the exact cost of the booking at this hotel. After realising she’d now been charged twice she reach out to the hotel and was told that ‘ has been hacked’ and then on our arrival ‘this has happened to 7 other people’. So we contacted about the scam, who told us they have had multiple issues with this hotel but they would happily resolve it for us. Great!

They then spoke to the evening staff member (a young man in his 20s/30s) about the 2 separate situations regarding the earlier failed bank payment and the scam. After walking in and hearing him dismissively asking my mum and grandma ‘well what do you want me to do about it?’ I suggested they should to look into these security issues as it seems as though it may be their account that was hacked and/or that they need to update their online security - his response was to question my qualifications in making this judgement saying ‘you know this do you? You work for them?’ And then told me ‘you’re wrong, it was 3 other people this has happened to, not 7’, despite what his colleague had told us a couple of hours earlier. As if that was any comfort!

I explained we are going off the information given to us in our conversations with his colleague, and the bank. To which he said ‘you don’t want to listen to me, so I just won’t speak’. I was stunned by this response and so we asked if there was someone more senior we could talk to about the situation then. He told us no, that he is the complaints department, there was no one else we could talk to and he would not refund the money. He said our options were to listen to him or leave a negative review. So here I am.

I found this an incredibly rude attitude/approach to the situation considering my mum had just lost over €600 to a scammer who was claiming to work for them, had access to all her information, and we were not asking for a refund (from them) just some reassurance that they were going to take this security breach seriously.

Instead, he outsourced the blame to and expressed little sympathy for the situation except towards himself and the fact they were having to change their password 3 times a day.

One quick Google search and you will see article after article explaining how these attackers are accessing’s hotel partner accounts and are stealing information using malware downloaded onto the hotels computers - this research has been collected over the last few years and you don’t have to “work for them” to be able to read it.

When we explained my grandma had booked with them directly (not via he said that her bank had probably told her that the hotels system was not up-to-date because we are from the UK and are no longer in the EU. What his qualifications for passing this judgement are I am not sure but it seemed like a particular unhelpful comment to make while 3 generations stand in front of him clearly devastated about the stressful situation we had been put in on our first day in Venice.

Despite this, the actual accommodation was lovely and well placed for our needs as well as easily accessible, which was particularly important for us with my granddad being partially blind and on a waiting list for a knee replacement.

I live abroad and hadn’t seen any of my family for over a year and half. I’m furious that this man stood there and insulted me in front of them on day 1 of our trip after being rude and dismissive to them individually.
Alessandro B.
Alessandro B.
Visité en mars 2024
Ottimo anche per noi residenti che vogliamo mangiare qualcosa su e via o fare colazione
Toño D.
Toño D.
Visité en mars 2024
Un poco alejado del centro pero una buena parada
Oksi X.
Oksi X.
Visité en février 2024
Combo Venezia trzeba pamiętać że jest to hostel który można łatwo pomylić z hotelem. Dlaczego?, ponieważ śmiało można powiedzieć że mógłby konkurować z nie którymi hotelami. Duży, przestronny obiekt oferujący śniadania jak i restauracje w dobrej lokalizacji 10 minut do placu Świętego Marka, 2 minuty od wodnego tramwaju którym można dopłynąć do węzłów komunikacyjnych lądowych. Blisko restauracje, sklepy ale w tej części jak na Wenecje spokojnie. Mały minus za średnie grzanie (byłam w styczniu) momentami było dość zimno w pokoju.
Federico M.
Federico M.
Visité en février 2024
Vado sempre a fare colazione e lo trovo un ottimo ambiente, con un servizio molto buono ed efficiente, la clientela è un bel misto tra locali e turisti. I croissants sono ben ripieni e c'è un'ampia scelta tra caffè di vari tipi e per tutti i gusti. Non posso valutare le stanze perché non ci ho dormito.
Visité en février 2024
Non ho soggiornato.
Clara M.
Clara M.
Visité en février 2024
Non ho soggiornato nell'hotel ma ho solo preso un aperitivo. Luogo magico, molto ben restaurato. Spazi valorizzati per tante occasioni. Da vedere!
Manfred Z.
Manfred Z.
Visité en février 2024
Tolles altes Gebäude, super Familienzimmer, Frühstück ist ok, Ambiente einzigartig
Valerio C.
Valerio C.
Visité en février 2024
Nel corso degli anni la mia esperienza a Combo e' sempre stata positiva: dal bacaro al ristorante, fino allo spazio co-working, ho sempre trovato ambienti confortevoli con personale gentile e cordiale. Per lo meno fino ad oggi 18/02/2024 alle ore 14:00. Nella zona bar/ristorante/co-working veniamo accolti aspramente dalla bartender riccia che, senza neanche l'ombra di un sorriso, ci informa che e' necessario ordinare e pagare PRIMA di sedersi - avevo solo bisogno di poggiare lo zaino sul posto che avrei occupato, ma ho dovuto tenerlo in spalla fino all'emissione dello scontrino.
Una volta seduti, io e la mia collega consumiamo la nostra ordinazione (15 Euro in 2) e apriamo i computer portatili per mostrarci dei lavori. Dopo neanche 20 minuti e senza neanche aver finito il caffe', la medesima persona con fare scostante ci avvisa che il co-working non era ammesso di domenica e che dovevamo occupare un'altra sala adibita. Sottolineo che eravamo li' da appena venti minuti, che non era nostra intenzione occupare il tavolo ad oltranza senza consumare ulteriormente e, soprattutto, che c'erano diversi tavoli liberi e nessuno in attesa di sedersi.
Infatti, consapevoli che di domenica la sala bar non accoglie smart workers (c'e' il cartello affisso che lo spiega), facciamo notare che i modi in cui ci veniva chiesto di spostarci, dopo SOLO venti minuti, e soprattuto le motivazioni addotte, fossero totalmente inopportune e ingiustificabili. Il nostro punto di vista viene totalmente ignorato e, nonostante una seconda bartender ci avvisi con modi più' gentili e sicuramente più' consoni al proprio ruolo che non potevamo utilizzare i computer, senza davvero spiegare perche' dopo venti minuti due persone che consumano un pasto non possono aprire un computer, decidiamo di alzarci ed andarcene.
Il pessimo servizio della prima bartender e la totale assenza di buonsenso ci hanno costretto a modificare i nostri piani e a consumare i successivi aperitivo e cena altrove. Peccato, ci sarebbe piaciuto farlo, come nostro solito, da Combo, ma, da ora in poi, questa terribile esperienza ci frenerà dal farlo.
Consiglio vivamente di sottoporre la bartender riccia ad un controllo delle sue capacita' di customer service e di fornire un minimo di raziocinio ai dipendenti che, per essere zelanti sostenitori delle regole imposte dalla direzione, finiscono col far perdere a Combo clienti fedeli e abituali.
Elise D
Elise D
Visité en juillet 2021
Bon restaurant, le menu du jour était plus restreint que ce qui était indiqué sur la fourchette mais c était très bon. L environnement est très calme, loin des lieux bondés de touristes ce qui est exactement ce que nous cherchions.
Adele C
Adele C
Visité en juillet 2021
Sympa , les plats étaient un peu sec mais bon . Cependant, super service ! Serveur top
Eva C
Eva C
Visité en octobre 2020
Un bel jardin d'hiver...
Marie-Noëlle M
Marie-Noëlle M
Visité en août 2020
Un endroit au calme pour une agréable pause brunch. Les plats sont frais et plein de saveurs. Bon rapport qualité prix avec la remise de la Fourchette.
Nicolas D
Nicolas D
Visité en août 2020
Une belle découverte de ce restaurant hors des lieux très touristiques de Venise. Hotel / bar / restaurant avec un cloître magnifique pour prendre un verre et le restaurant sur la place ensoleillée.
Carte simple mais complète avec les précisions des plats frais. Je recommande les spaghettis de la mer, très savoureuses. Serveurs sympathiques et à l'écoute. Les prix sont raisonnables.
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