Établissement à Paris préparant des poissons, des fruits de mer et des jolis plats frais et colorés, des coquillages.
On pourrait se croire sur le bassin d'Arcachon, dans un spot tendance sentant bon l'iode et les vacances. Cet établissement excelle à accorder poissons et fruits de mer dans de jolies assiettes fraîches et colorées. De la friture d'éperlans au ceviche de bar ou de thon, en passant par les huîtres évidemment, les crustacés, le fish & chips, la raie, la sole... Les amateurs de produits de la mer trouveront forcément leur bonheur. Pour les autres, quelques viandes sont à la carte.
Le saviez-vous ? Cet avis a été rédigé par nos auteurs professionnels.
Avis des membres sur HUGUETTE, BISTRO DE LA MER
Les notes et les avis ci-dessous reflètent les opinions subjectives des membres et non l'avis du Petit Futé.
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Questions fréquentes :

I guess they asked google to remove my review so here you go again.
I’m planing to keep uploading my horrible experience over and over again until they truly realize and regret their fault.
I went to Paris couple of times but the racial discrimination happened to me here for the first and last time ever in Paris!
Unlike other restaurants in Paris, they do not have lunch breaks, they open from 12pm to 2am 7 days a week.
We went there between 7-8pm and not even half of the tables were full at that moment.
I asked one of the server if i can grab a table and he told me to follow.
After passing many empty tables with long steps into the restaurant, he showed me one of the table RIGHT NEXT to the water tank.
I was very concerned about my designer jacket and leather bag so I politely asked him again if there’s other table available but he immediately said NO.
So that means half of the tables were fully booked at that exact time and they all didn’t come yet? Lol
Yes, as you already noticed, me and my husband were only Asians there and all other people sitting were whites.
I ended up with having nice dinner at the other restaurant which was a block away.
I truly recommend to go different places if you’re not white.
파리에서 이렇게 제대로 인종차별 당한거 처음이에요.
대부분의 파리의 가게들이 도중에 break이 있는데 이 가게는 그런게 없고 7days 12pm-2pm이에요.
저희가 저녁 7-8시 사이에 갔고 테이블은 겨우 반정도 차 있었어요.
자리 없냐고 하니 따라오라더니 한국 횟집 수족관? 이 있는곳에 바로 붙어있는 자리가 딱 하나 있던데 거기에 앉으래요.
듣자마자 가운뎃 손가락을 맥이고 나왔어야했는데
너무 착하게 가방에 물튀기는거 걱정되는데 혹시 다른 자리는 없냐니 딱 잘라 없다더군요.
왜 제가 레스토랑 오픈시간을 말했냐면 나머지 반절 테이블이 전부 다 8시 예약석이었다면 모든 손님들이 다 안온 상태였을테니 말이 안된다는거죠.
아무튼 그래서 여기는 맛본적 없고 인생에서도 다시 갈 일 없어요.
영어 불편하시고 연세가 좀 있으시면 절대 가지 마시길 바래요, 이런 경험은 저 하나로 끝나길ㅡㅡ