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Avis des membres sur MEMPHIS TOURS

25 avis
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Carlota S.
Carlota S.
Visité en avril 2024
Hospitalidade e muita alegria! Os guias, os coordenadores e os motoristas, todos queridos,! Os passeios, sensacionais!
narden t.
narden t.
Visité en avril 2024
They have a driver that doesn't obey the traffic rules and he his driving is not safe he hit my car and threatened me that he will continue hitting it if i didn’t leave him. You should hire a well behaved driver and with professional attitude to avoid negative impact on the tourism
pascal m.
pascal m.
Visité en avril 2024
Très bonne réactivité à mes messages, très arrangeant sur notre demande de voyage assez compliquée.
Zorth S.
Zorth S.
Visité en avril 2024
Viajei para Dubai com a empresa!! Eles fizeram um ótimo roteiro!!! A escolha do hotel foi super justa com um ótimo custo benefício ! Os guias durante os passeios foram super solícitos sempre tentando falar português consosco!!
Franco C.
Franco C.
Visité en avril 2024
Ottima organizzazione, autisti puntuali e precisi. Prudenti nella guida. Assistenti preparati e cortesi.
Jennifer D.
Jennifer D.
Visité en mars 2024
Memphis Tours outdid themselves. Phenomenal service, guides and drivers. From Nouran's help planning to our drivers Saed, Wallit, and our driver in Luxor, tour planners Monica and Ahmed and our wonderful guides Maha and Tayeb. And I cannot forget Ahmed and his wonderful family at Jessi farm. Thank you all for making our trip to Egypt memorable in so many different ways. A little traveler the Bahariya Oasis won't regret it!!!
julie c.
julie c.
Visité en mars 2024
Très bon accompagnement pour la réservation et la planification de notre voyage à venir ✈️????️????
Astrid P.
Astrid P.
Visité en février 2024
Tour operator davvero ottimo! Huda favolosa operatrice che con la massima gentilezza e disponibilità ci ha organizzato un viaggio perfetto! Lo consiglio vivamemerce suggerisco la guida Mamdouh (Mimmo) Guida magnifica, egittologo dalle mille risorse, con una competenza incredibile e la risposta a tutte le nostre (mille) domande e curiosità! Consiglio vivamente!
Hamza M.
Hamza M.
Visité en février 2024
Ho acquistato il pacchetto per Il Cairo e crociera sul Nilo e devo dire che nel complesso è stata un’avventura molto bella.
Un grazie alla consulente di viaggio Mery che è stata molto brava nel rispondere a tutte le domande e a tutte le richieste. Le guide sono tutte molto competenti ma un grandissimo grazie va al signor Hussain, la guida che ci ha accompagnato nella crociera e nei templi da Assuan a Luxor.
INCUBO MANCIA: per chi vuole fare un viaggio in Egitto porti con sé tanto denaro contante perché a detta della gente la mancia é facoltativa ma sia in crociera sia con alcuni accompagnatori veniva considerata obbligatoria.
Floriana T.
Floriana T.
Visité en février 2024
Esperienza fantastica con Memphis Tour, gli itinerari e gli spostamenti sono stati organizzati alla perfezione, con cura ed attenzione per le nostre richieste, grazie a Huda, la nostra stupenda referente. Il soggiorno in Egitto è stato indimenticabile, una terra meravigliosa che volevo visitare da tempo e che avevo caricato di grandi aspettative, tutte andate a buon fine! Dopo aver visitato Giza, Saqqara, Il Cairo, Alessandria ed aver trascorso una notte nel deserto bianco, la crociera con la nave Chateau La Fayette da Luxor fino ad Assuan è stata il completamento del viaggio. La nostra guida, un egittologo d'eccezione, dal nome impronunciabile per noi ???? detto Mimmo, ha spiegato alla perfezione, con grande entusiasmo e passione ogni singolo "ciottolo" dei vari templi visitati, praticamente li ha sviscerati, illustrandoci quante più informazioni storiche possibili; credo di non aver mai in altro viaggio, riscontrato una guida così preparata, vigile, attiva ed empatica. Ho in programma di tornare ad Alessandria per la visita della celeberrima biblioteca che purtroppo è sfuggita per mancanza di tempo, e lo farò tramite Memphis tour. Assolutamente consigliato!
Anna A.
Anna A.
Visité en février 2024
What a wonderful way to spend our honeymoon! In my review I hope to provide all the lovely parts of our trip and what I wish I would have known. For those looking for the quick recap, I will start with the "what I wish I would have known". Please not these are not criticisms of the trip but rather part of the cultural experiences that isn't discussed in the reviews I read.

Cash is King: American dollars and euros are highly desired! We took out the egyptian pound and hoped to rely on credit card. Markets and other experiences (camel rides) are looking for cash.
Tipping is suggested but feels mandatory. We spent an absorbent amount on tips. I planed to tip a few dollars but ended up giving out much larger tips. Maybe this was our ignorance but Egypt felt more expensive than expected. If I was to redo this trip would have brought $1000 cash with me just for tips. (I will explain why later)
It's okay to deny any part of the trip you aren't interested in. The "cultural" parts of the trip are definitely places for kickbacks. They make it sound like we will learn about the history (papyrus and hieroglyphics) rather it's a place for them to over charge tourist and trick you into believing that it is the norm. We went to one place and caught on quickly that we were only there because we were tourist. We quickly told our guide not to take us to these tourist traps and they respectfully listened.
Your guide will try to help negotiate with the vendors but honestly it feels like they are on the side of the vendors (respectfully so, life in egypt is expensive). It felt like we were paying more than we should have been and being told it's a good deal.

Drinks and some meals not included. Expect to pay out of pocket during the meal times (drinks and tips). You will get a bottle of water sometimes for your day trips. Even on the cruise the drinks (including water) is not included which is ridiculous.

Okay now on to the exceptional services we received. We worked with Miriam Alaa Eldien to book our travel. The trip was extremely customizable and we went back and forth a few times before deciding on our final itinerary. We even gave her a call to plan parts of the trip. Memphis tours have their sale reps join the tour guides on the trips so they know what they are talking about. We were met upon our arrival by a representative (Abdul). He was helpful in navigating the customs process. We connected with Mustafa the whole
time from airport pick up to drop off while in Cairo. He was very sweet and did a nice job confirming details with us and managing our trip. Our tour guide in Cairo, Giza and Alexandria was Mohamed Kafafy who was like a walking encyclopedia. Very knowledgeable and extremely engaging. Finally our driver Elarab Ezz is a true champion. He navigated the busy streets like a pro and was with us the whole time (very long days). It is obvious how hard working the Egyptian people are. While we would only tip a few dollars per day typically, we felt like the service provided by Kafafy and Ezz was incredible! The main joy of these two days is the private nature of the tour and how we didn't have to share this time with others.

In Aswan, Amr Atel met us at the airport. Sherif sadawe was our guide. Both were amazing to work with.

Went to Abu Simbel with two lovely drivers and ramy nabil. Again incredible.

Memphis tours knows what they are doing and are a well oiled machine. I HIGHLY recommend this tour company. Worth every penny.
Maria A.
Maria A.
Visité en février 2024
I went on a private tour, and it was the best decision ever made. The tour guides were extremely knowledgeable and nice; the logistics of the trip was perfectly executed, we felt hand-held from start to finish along the way, with reps on all airports and transportation excellent. The cruise on Nile was spectacular; wish it would have been longer. The service and the food couldn’t have been better. I will again contact Memphis Tours when i need to travel again to make my trip as memorable as it was.
Visité en février 2024
Professional hard working team , I enjoyed every trip , well organized, caring staff, in both sectors including the religious tourism ❤️
Special thanks to Mr Salah and Mr Maged for their great cooperation and helpful organization
Memphistours E.
Memphistours E.
Visité en février 2024
It’s not a scam overall but they try to screw you every step of the way by overcharging, cutting corners and doing the bare minimum. As soon as money is in their account service goes down hill so beware.
Daiana L.
Daiana L.
Visité en février 2024
Ottimo tour operator per le escursioni in Egitto, consiglio in particolar modo la guida Hassan Malek.
Andrea R.
Andrea R.
Visité en février 2024
¡Memphis tours es una empresa increíble! Nos sentimos acompañados en todo momento, la calidad humana y profesional de guías, conductores, área de ventas y acompañantes es de alta calidad. Egipto es un país maravilloso, elegir este país es una gran aventura y de la mano de estos profesionales es la mejor inversión: Aprendes de la mano de egiptologos, ahorras tiempo, te acercas la mejor gastronomía local, tiendas originales de egipto a buenos precios, las mejores recomendaciones. No dudes en contratarlos. Un agradecimiento especial a aquellos que nos acompañaron en este proceso: Sofia, Ahmed en El Cairo, Saeed Ramadan, Osama, Ahmed en Luxor-Assuan, personal del crucero Salacia
Andrea B.
Andrea B.
Visité en février 2024
Insieme alla mia famiglia abbiamo trascorso una settimana ad Hurghada e per le escursioni in loco ci siamo affidati alla professionalità della Memphis Tour che con la guida Hassan Malek ci ha fatto scoprire la bellezza del deserto con i quad ed i meravigliosi fondali della barriera corallina. Transfer puntuali.
Concetta T.
Concetta T.
Visité en janvier 2024
Hassan Malek, guida della Memphis Tour, ha organizzato il prelievo ed il riaccompagnamento dal nostro hotel verso l'aeroporto di Hurghada. Durante il nostro soggiorno ci ha accompagnato nella visita della parte autentica della città (mercato + moschea).
Carmelo b.
Carmelo b.
Visité en janvier 2024
Durante il soggiorno ad Hurghada ci siamo affidati alla Memphis Tour per due escursioni effettuate in due differenti giorni sempre accompagnati dal simpaticissimo Hassan Malek. Il primo giorno abbiamo raggiunto il porto e da lì ci siamo imbarcati per raggiungere Orange Bay (paradiso terrestre) con una sosta per fare dell'ottimo snorkeling (ottimo pranzo a bordo). Un altro giorno invece abbiamo fatto un'adrenalinica uscita in quad nel deserto con rilassante bevuta di tè sotto un cielo stellato (esperienza incredibile). Grazie Egitto.
Sara N.
Sara N.
Visité en janvier 2024
La Memphis Tour ha organizzato per noi la visita ai templi di Luxor e Karnak; la guida Hassan, insieme ad un autista, sono venuti a prenderci in hotel e ci hanno portato nei due siti patrimonio dell'Unesco. In un perfetto italiano ci ha raccontato tutta la storia dei due templi. Consiglio la visita al tramonto.
Visité en janvier 2024
Con la mia famiglia abbiamo scoperto le meraviglie dell'Egitto navigando sulle dolci sponde del Nilo vedendo i principali monumenti (Luxor, Edfu, Kom, Abu Simbel) e trascorso qualche giorno nel caldo di Hurghada. La Memphis Tours è stata impeccabile sotto ogni punto di vista. Ad Hurghada abbiamo avuto la guida di Hassan con il quale abbiano stretto una bellissima amicizia.
Rachele I.
Rachele I.
Visité en janvier 2024
Bellissima esperienza in compagnia di Hassan, la nostra bravissima guida che ci ha portato alla scoperta del magnifico tempio di Luxor e di Karnak.
Arte b.
Arte b.
Visité en janvier 2024
We do not feel that we received services as promised and cutting every corner possible to save agency money which is completely unexceptable specially when it is promised and advertised and again repeatedly promised during our travels. We are very disappointed for all the short comings and corner cuttings which we did not bargain.

All the wake up time before sunrise, not enough sleep, overfed - 3 times, very little amount of time on actual sights which is the whole reason to visit Egypt.

We asked for adventure tour and we were provided poorly managed tour for old people.

Overall we are very disappointed with Memphis tour management. I wouldn’t recommend this tour agency to anybody.

First 2 pics from our 5 star hotel. 3rd photo is our private 5 hour ride in old car where there was no room and which we both got nauseous. Last photo is our “ocean view” room. That’s just several examples.
Alexandra F.
Alexandra F.
Visité en janvier 2024
I made a reservation with you in the amount of $ 1,338.00 corresponding to 10% of the package. I was unable to go due to Covid 19 and until today I have not received my refund!
I have been requesting a refund since 2020 via email and have only received a negative response!
Be careful when hiring this company! Because if something happens, your money will not be refunded! even if it's a pandemic!!!
Lindsey C.
Lindsey C.
Visité en janvier 2024
My niece and I had the experience of a lifetime with Memphis Tours for two weeks in Egypt. We are so grateful to Adam (our booking agent, who answered all of my messages quickly and helpfully), Menna (our Cairo Mama, who went above and beyond to facilitate things for us in and around the city), Tarek/Tito (Pyramids, Cairo, Alexandria, and Western Desert tour guide extraordinaire, with whom we parted as a new, true friend), Mohamed Abu Ziad (our fantastic and caring desert driver), and Abdullah (our Aswan-to-Luxor guide, who generously helped us with special requests and made the Nile cruise a joy). All of them took such good care of us, made us feel safe and comfortable, and were so lovely to interact with. You really cannot go wrong with Memphis Tours and we would absolutely travel with them again. I want to also mention that despite the war in Gaza, we felt absolutely safe and secure traveling in Egypt and are so glad we did not cancel/delay our trip.


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