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Avis des membres sur KALLISTI HOTEL

23 avis
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Olariu A.
Olariu A.
Visité en novembre 2023
Buna ziua. Am fost cazat la acest hotel in perioada 17-24.06.2023. Locatia nu este deloc stralucita, dar stiam unde merg. Camerele, ca si tot stabilimentul, nu au nici o treaba cu pozele de pe Pozele sunt foarte filtrate, parca desenate. Cea mai mare problema a acestui hotel este cea legata de servirea mesei. Au atatea bube, ca nu stiu cu ce sa incep. In primul rand, mancarea nu este diversificata. La fiecare masa, nu aveau mai mult de 2-3 feluri de mancare, din care unul singur acceptabil. Absolut la toate mesele, doar un singur fel de mancare acceptabil. Si nu asta era problema cea mare. Problema cea mare consta in faptul ca, angajatii, parca erau actionari la hotel. De ce spun asta? Fiindca, in momentul in care felul de mancare l,acceptabil l, se epuiza, uitau intentionat sa mai aduca acea mancare, chiar daca treceau de zeci de ori pe langa tava goala. Trebuia sa le spui de la obraz sa aduca. La fel se intampla si cu rosiile, prajiturile, painea prajita, fructele, untul. De fiecare data trebuia sa ii intrebi daca mai au si, abia atunci, mai aduceau. Dar, ce credeti ca aduceau la discretie? Normal ca nu. Daca intrebai de rosii, mai aduceau 2 rosii. Nu mai mult. Daca intrebai de kiwi si portocala, mai aduceau 2 kiwi. Portocala, nu. La micul dejun puneau intr-un bol 2-3 cutiute cu unt si 60 de cutiute cu margarina. Unt, mai vedeai a doua zi. Zic vedeai, pentru ca mereu era la cei ce se trezeau mai devreme. Cea mai urata chestie legata de mancare, a fost ca, la micul dejun, aveau cereale dar nu si lapte. Ni s-a recomandat sa luam lapte de la aparatul cu cafea. Acela nu era lapte, era o spuma. Astfel, copiii nu au putut manca nici cereale cu lapte.
Maly G.
Maly G.
Visité en octobre 2023
Das Hotel liegt sehr ruhig an einem Hügel, ca. 5 Minuten Fußweg vom Strand entfernt. Das Hotel selbst und der Innenhof mit Pool sind sehr schön. Die Zimmer sind groß, geräumig, sauber und gut ausgestattet. Wir hatten ein 60 m² großes Doppelzimmer mit einem bestimmt 2x6 m großen Balkon und Panoramameerblick. Das Personal ist hilfsbereit und sehr freundlich. Das Abendessen war gut, beim Frühstück hat es nicht ganz meinen Geschmack getroffen, da gibt es noch Verbesserungspotenzial. Aber dank des Teams des Hotels haben wir insgesamt 10 wirklich tolle Tage auf Thassos verbracht.

The hotel is located very quietly on a hill, about a 5-minute walk from the beach. The hotel itself and the courtyard with the pool are very beautiful. The rooms are large, spacious, clean, and well-equipped. We had a 60 sqm double room with a balcony that was probably 2x6 meters, offering panoramic sea views.

The staff is helpful and very friendly. The dinner was good, but the breakfast didn't quite meet my taste; there is room for improvement in that area. Nevertheless, thanks to the hotel's team, we had 10 truly wonderful days on Thassos.
Caterina R.
Caterina R.
Visité en octobre 2023
Εξαιρετική ήσυχη τοποθεσία με υπέροχη θεα. Μου θύμιζε παρά πολύ σαλέ και θα ήταν υπέροχα να ήταν ανοιχτά και τον χειμώνα!! Το προσωπικό ευγενέστατο πολύ φιλικό και άκρως εξυπηρετικό!! 100% καθαριότητα. Τα δωματια μας καθαρίζοντας ΚΑΘΕ ΜΕΡΑ.
Constantin C.
Constantin C.
Visité en octobre 2023
Am mers acolo împreună cu soția. Am stat 5 nopți și am prins o oferta foarte avantajoasa cu mic dejun și cină incluse. Pentru noi totul a fost foarte frumos. Personalul este de nota 10, sunt niște oameni foarte de treaba. Condițiile au fost super. Dacă vom reveni în Thassos, cu siguranță îl vom alege din nou.
Dani I.
Dani I.
Visité en octobre 2023
Хотела е чудесен! Бяхме с закуска и вечеря! Храната беше добра . Стаите големи и чисти. Персоналът изключително любезен! Препоръчвам!
Ralica I.
Ralica I.
Visité en septembre 2023
Very comfortable rooms, amazing view and friendly staff! The food was also fresh and very tasty. The hotel is close to the beautiful and sandy beach San Antonio. Definitely recommend it!
tuicu e.
tuicu e.
Visité en septembre 2023
Totul super
gabriela m.
gabriela m.
Visité en septembre 2023
Cea mai tare priveliste????????, locatie linistita, ideala pentru seri de vara
mihai b.
mihai b.
Visité en août 2023
Super locație, personal amabil.
Parcare privata????
Hector M.
Hector M.
Visité en août 2023
Wonderful hotel! The staff was super nice and very kind. The food was super delicious. I think they should inform to the customers about they charge extra money for the drinks at the dinner. The view and location is wonderful. Very close to Saint Anthoine beach. The rooms are awesome, very clean and comfortable. They should pay more attention to the cleaning of the windows.
Monica I.
Monica I.
Visité en août 2023
Locatie frumoasa cu un view superb, mancare proaspata si buna, personal f amabil. Daca vom mai vizita Thassos, cu siguranta vom reveni aici.
ionita r.
ionita r.
Visité en juillet 2023
O locație excelentă, liniștită!
Gabriele P.
Gabriele P.
Visité en juillet 2023
Kleines lauschiges Hotel in super ruhiger Lage. Schöner Blick aufs Meer mit Sonnenuntergang. Ein Auto ist von Vorteil. Freundliches Service, jeden 2.Tag frische Bettwäsche und Handtücher.
Das Brot beim Frühstück war leider enttäuschend. Hundelärm von Gästen hat uns gestört. Wir hatten trotzdem einen schönen Aufenthalt.
Visité en juillet 2023
Really nice place in a good area even tho is not so close by feet from the sea.
But by car is not even 1 minute.
View was good from our room.
Food good, swimming pool not crowded. Really quiet and chill place.
kate n.
kate n.
Visité en juillet 2023
Καλώ το ξενοδοχείο αφού βλέπω ότι στην πλατφόρμα της booking έχει διαθεσιμότητα για 2 δίκλινα δωμάτια τις ημερομηνίες που θα ήθελα. Δεν κάνω ποτέ σχόλια για επικοινωνία αλλά πραγματικά καλό είναι είτε είναι ιδιοκτήτες είτε όχι να μη νομίζουν ότι μόνο αυτοί γνωρίζουν το αντικείμενο λες και είναι πυρηνικοί φυσικοί και φυσικά να χρησιμοποιούν βασικά τακτ επικοινωνιακής συμπεριφοράς. Τυχαία είδα ότι έχει και άλλα αρνητικά σχόλια τέτοιου τύπου. Κρίμα ένας τόσο όμορφος χώρος να αδικείται από τέτοια περιστατικά αγένειας.
Letitia R.
Letitia R.
Visité en juillet 2023
Cazare foarte frumoasa, dar fiți atenți când va rezervați, nu toate camerele au vedere totala la mare. Camerele de la parter, noi am avut superior suite, cu demipensiune, au multi copaci in față și vederea este cam obturata.
Piscina micuța dar curata. Micul dejun cam același in fiecare zi, găseai ce sa mănânci. Multe foitaje dimineața, cafeaua slab calitativ.
Ca minusuri, nu aveau lapte, doar lapte praf, din aparatul de cafea.
Puteai cere lapte pt cereale, pt copii și îți dădeau, dar rece. Au refuzat să îl încălzească macar puțin, in toate cele 4 dimineți, pt copii.
Nu aveau unt, doar margarină.
Seara, aveau multe salate, 2 garnituri și 2 feluri principale, dar nu mureai de foame. Seara nu primești apa sau alte băuturi, totul este contracost 2.5 E sticla mare de apa, berea mica este 3.5 E.

Ce m a deranjat cel mai mult și pt asta am dat nota mica mai mult, a fost din cauza atitudinii fetei proprietarei, care atunci când mi am arătat nemulțumirea faptului că am platit camera cu vedere la mare, și nu beneficiam de vedere, mi a spus că probabil sunt prea obosita și ar fi bine să mă odihnesc. Vederea la mare era printre crengile copacilor, deci se vedea doar puțin, plus că fiind la parter, clar nu ajuta.
Personal mi s a părut lipsa de respect, mi a zis sec că nu ne poate ajuta cu alta camera și că ne dorește sejur plăcut.
Un alt minus este accesul la hotel care este anevoios, nu este drum pietruit, și este destul de departe de plaja.
Tot ce se consuma de la bar, se poate achita doar cash, la fel și dacă dorești să cumperi ulei de măsline, produs local.
Milena K.
Milena K.
Visité en juillet 2023
Хотелът е великолепен! Красив, много стилен, с поддържана градина и басейн. Храната е разнообразна и вкусна. Чисто, тихо и много приятно. Намира се на километър от града и близо до невероятни плажове, а гледката , която се открива от балкона е незабравима. Персоналът и собствениците са много мили, приветливи и отзивчиви. Незабравима почивка!
Angelica Z.
Angelica Z.
Visité en juin 2023
Gazda și personalul foarte primitori și plăcuți.
Camera foarte spațioasă cu baie moderna și balcon mare.
Curățenia este foarte bine pusa la punct, prosoapele schimbate zilnic, iar așternuturile schimbate la 2 zile.
Mâncarea delicioasa și variata. Zona liniștită cu o priveliște minunata.
A S.
A S.
Visité en juin 2023
The most horrible experience I ever had! - Honest Review Kallisti Hotel Potos Greece

I have booked this holiday for me, my wife and our 2 (two) daughters 4-year-old and baby 1 year old, these were the issues and our family experience with this hotel:

- when we arrived there, we had a disastrous reception.
- the very rude manager/owner lady had a deplorable attitude, yelling at us, not knowing to say sorry.
- until today she refused to tell us her name.
- the nightmare started after the fist day when she decided to move us is another room and touch and move our personal belongings without our approval, without our consent and this is not acceptable in none of the hotels on the planet earth.
- when moving our staff she put together in a bag shoes with food (picture attached).
- after this we were missing wife eye tweezers kit and personal towel that she did not care to research and bring them back, one shirt and other not important stuff but she was yelling at us.
- she was not able to respect the sign on the doors even that was in greek and english, when on the door was "clean the room" they did not clean it also they did not provide me with clean bed sheets and towels for 2 days. When there was the message do not disturb she use to enter in the room to clean.
- in the mornings when we woke up and get to the breakfast and leave the phones on charge she came in the room and take out the card from the socket so we will have no power to charge our phones for 30 minutes and we had to go to the beach with no battery on the phones.
- the balcony doors had broken mosquito nets.(picture attached)
- there was blood of mosquitoes on the walls and mosquitoes everywhere.
- my 4 year old and my little baby girl 1 year were bitten and pulverized by mosquitoes (pictures attached)
- there were very small tv that was not even working. (picture attached)
- there were an old sofa bed that you cannot sleep on it otherwise you will break your back.
- there was an alive worm in the room!!!! (picture attached)
- there were dirty bed sheets.
- clean bed sheets were not provided when we asked.
- the food is very few choices for both dinner and breakfast.
- the room was not clean when we got here.
- the internet is not working at all or it is very bad.
- far from the beach.
- sewage smell in the room.

The worse part is that both of my daughters, my 4 year old and my little baby girl 1 year were bitten and pulverized by mosquitoes (pictures attached), they already took approx. 590 euros from my card, however I am planning to ask for a full refund and also I am planning to speak to my lawyer regarding my experience and my daughters experience IF they will not fully refund me because of this nightmare.
Isil S.
Isil S.
Visité en juin 2023
Oda genişliği, temizliği, yemekleri ve de manzarası gerçekten çok güzel. 10 dakika yürüyüş uzaklığında denize ulaşmak mümkün. Çocuklu aileler için gerçekten uygun plajlara yakın. Kalliopi ve Dimitri her şeyi güzel hale getiriyor. Çok güleryüzlü ve ilgililer. Çok teşekkür ederiz her şey için. Çok memnun kaldık. Herkese tavsiye ederiz.
Andrea K.
Andrea K.
Visité en juin 2023
Ein wunderbar ruhiges, weil etwas abgelegen, Hotel mit unglaublich freundlichem Service und von der Chefin mit viel Liebe und Herzblut geführt. Wir haben sogar ein Upgrade unseres Zimmers bekommen und wohl das schönste und Größte mit traumhafter Aussicht. Also wirklich zu empfehlen, vor allem wenn man es ruhig haben möchte.
Bernhard B.
Bernhard B.
Visité en juin 2023
Sehr gutes Abendbuffet, ruhige Lage, schön in den Garten mit Olivenbäume integriert. Wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt!
vanchetp m.
vanchetp m.
Visité en juin 2023
A great place to stay on Thasos.
Excellent service and house keeping. Very tidy and clean rooms and yard.
The stuff are very friendly, you feel like home.
Very good food, we had breakfast and dinner and both were with tasty food, a lot of greek cousin as well.
Definitely recommend it and definitely would go there again.


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Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Agios Antonios, Limenaria, Grèce
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