Perché face à un panorama grandiose, le restaurant Le Doron allie élégance et gastronomie dans une atmosphère feutrée. Labellisé Maître Restaurateur et Tables & Auberges de France, il met en valeur les produits de saison à travers une cuisine inventive et raffinée. Ici, la montagne s'invite à table, inspirant le chef et son équipe des assiettes savoureuses, entre tradition et créativité. Parmi les spécialités, on retrouve le tataki de bœuf aux notes asiatiques, les noix de Saint-Jacques et leur sauté de chanterelles, ou encore le magret de canard du Quercy.
Le saviez-vous ? Cet avis a été rédigé par nos auteurs professionnels.
Avis des membres sur HÉLIOS HÔTEL & SPA
Les notes et les avis ci-dessous reflètent les opinions subjectives des membres et non l'avis du Petit Futé.
Questions fréquentes :

The same happened over breakfast where we had paid for breakfast and had informed the hotel of our dietary restriction of being vegetarian but instead there was very very limited vegetarian food available, so we asked for pancakes and or avocadoes but instead he said they would not able to accomodate us and would charge us 10 euros per avocado. This was quite disappointing after having paid 100 euros for breakfast vs not having elected for breakfast. it was a complete scam.
Terrible owner and service provided by him. He runs the hotel and the day to day management.
We finally demanded compensation to the owner who promised to get back to us but thereafter completely hid away.
We had requested vegan and vegetarian breakfast and got confirmation before the stay. For breakfast we were charged extra 10 Euros for Avocados each meal even though there was no accommodation to our requests.
The owner seems to have no sense of responsibility or accountability and no sense of hospitality. I can't understand how this establishment has a five star.
The reception, ski room and staff are excellent but unfortunately the owner is a manipulative liar and customers should stay away from him.