Résultats Restaurant cuisine méditerranéenne à FLORENCE - FIRENZE


Cuisine méditerranéenne €€€
26 avis

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Via Ghibellina, 87, Florence – Firenze , Italie
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L'un des plus célèbres restaurants d'Italie, trois fois étoilé, pour une expérience inoubliable au cœur d'un palais Renaissance.

Célèbre restaurant gastronomique 3-étoiles, qui réussit à susciter des émotions aussi originales qu'exquises, une cuisine à la fois régionale, unique et sophistiquée. Le palais Renaissance nous plonge dans une soirée mondaine du XVIIIe siècle. Sa cave est mondialement réputée, un véritable musée de 140 000 bouteilles. Il faut que le portefeuille soit généreux mais l'expérience promet d'être inoubliable. Première femme chef auréolée de trois étoiles en Italie, la Française Annie Féolde compte parmi les cuisinières les plus titrées de la gastronomie mondiale.

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Avis des membres sur ENOTECA PINCHIORRI

26 avis
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Michael U.
Michael U.
Visité en mars 2024
A national building purchased by Giorgio Pinchiorri in 1972 Enoteca Pinchiorri carries all the excesses one might expect from a Michelin 3* Restaurant, from the 16 page Water menu to a €1950 3-Wine pairing and housemade Breads matching each course.

Currently toqued by Riccardo Monco while Maître D Alessandro Tomberli directs gratuitously accommodating service it is atop plush seats that diners are invited to dine a la carte or as a €310 degustazione, the latter served at a pace accommodating those who eat both slow and fast.

An opulent space filled with oil paintings and flowers, all of it mirrored by grandiose plates full of color, it is after selecting beverages that Canapes arrive as a rainbow of textures and flavors including a Squid Ink Beignet and Black Cabbage Tartelette with Quinoa.

Cherished by oenophiles thanks to Pinchiorri’s extensive cellar, though a few bargains can also be found, late-Winter’s tasting began with a warm Oyster perfumed by Laurels before progressing through a thin piece or Squid atop Uni and sheeted Pasta with White Pheasant Ragout plus earthy Bechamel.

Frequently veering far from Italy for Ingredients as well as inspiration, and thereby stripping away some of the ‘terroir’ that makes many eateries of Enoteca Pinchiorri’s caliber unique, Sauteed Snails in a Mousse of Sunchoke is nonetheless delicious while Turbot is unfortunately lost beneath all the ingredients on top.

Increasingly complex with Duck Breast bathed in Passion Fruit alongside creamy Foie Gras the latter half of the menu is highlighted by a “Cheese Course” featuring Polenta plus Castelmagno while Desserts are elegant and enjoyable but “Italian” in no way.

Declining the Cheese Cart, but not an impressive collection of Mignardises, it was after a thirty minute wait that the check arrived with a take-home gift and thanks, though no lasting impact as this sort of Food can be found at many Michelin 2* or 3* establishments nowadays.
Stefania R.
Stefania R.
Visité en mars 2024
maria l.
maria l.
Visité en mars 2024
Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di poter vivere l'esperienza di una cena all'enoteca. Abbiamo assaggiato dei piatti incredibili sia per la loro composizione estetica che per il loro sapore. Abbiamo anche potuto visitare l'incredibile cantina accompagnati dal Sig. Rosolino che con la sua vastissima esperienza, gentilezza, simpatia e competenza ci ha permesso di esplorare un'universo di vini incredibile. E' stato un sogno davvero.
Stewart H.
Stewart H.
Visité en février 2024
I walked into this meal with an open mind after reading various mixed reviews, and feel compelled to write my own. For context, I've travelled globally for work for the last 30 years and like to think I have a balanced perspective of what is good and what is a value, premium or a luxury offering. So let's break it down

Atmosphere - sterile and boring. Lighting it far too bright and chatter or opportunity to interact with other diners is very subdued. On a side note a we had a couple sitting next to us who were on 1st name basis with management. The wife chose to answer her loud ringing phone during dinner and engage in a loud conversation. I call this out as clearly the restaurant either has mixed standards for fine dining or money is a motivating factor.

Service - I'd rate it as on par with a 2-3 star restaurant, this was the highlight.

Food - this is where everything falls down. We selected the tasting menu and there was a single dish that we thought excellent, everything else was blah. Every dish lacked texture, making us wonder if the food was prepared for babies. I'd rate many Non Michelin and 1-2 star restaurants well above Enoteca for excellent/inspired food. How this place achieves 3 stars is beyond me. During our trip we experienced two examples that I'd rate well above.

Wine Pairing - maybe there was a language barrier, we felt it lacked inspiration and no attempt was made to explain why they matched certain wines. On the plus side, they don't charge by the glass but instead by the number wines you select, and they proactively refill your glass. This element is pretty good value.

Cost - we did not experience the upsell pressure others speak off, but for what we enjoyed...yeah I agree there is little justification for the price

At the end of the day, I'd encourage readers of this review to skip and explore many other options for a great meal and experience.
Vanessa B.
Vanessa B.
Visité en février 2024
Enoteca Pinchiorri luogo e brand della magnificenza della ristorazione nonché della passione per il Vino e non solo.
Firenze è l'Enoteca Pinchiorri e vice versa; visitare la Magnifica Firenze vuol dire fare anche un viaggio unico e prestigioso anche in Enoteca Pinchiorri! Da molti anni, e per mia grande fortuna ,ogni volta che passo da Firenze non posso fare a meno di fare tappa anche da Pinchiorri ed ogni volta rimango estasiata e sublimata da tutta la grande ospitalità e la garbata , impeccabile accoglienza che tutto il personale riserva a mio marito, a me e a nostri ospiti. Un luogo sempre rinnovato fatto di diverse sale uniche e riservate create per ogni occasione, tutte ottimamente arredate! La cucina tutta, dal pane , al piccione, al capriolo al raviolo fino ai dolci , tutto eccezionale e di altissima qualità. E poi la più grande delle lodi alla carta dei Vini e alla Cantina Regina e Patrimonio inestimabile di questo unico e prestigioso luogo! Non posso spiegare a parole sopratutto quando si è appassionate al mondo del Vino come lo concepisco io cosa si può trovare in questo luogo.....venite a scoprire di persona quali fantastici tesori!
Enoteca Pinchiorri esperienza unica e grande bellezza.

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ENOTECA PINCHIORRI compte 26 avis avec une note moyenne de 3.5. Vous pouvez consulter les avis de ENOTECA PINCHIORRI en cliquant sur ce lien ou partager votre avis sur ENOTECA PINCHIORRI en cliquant ici

ENOTECA PINCHIORRI se situe au Via Ghibellina, 87 , Florence - Firenze

19:30 - 22:00
19:30 - 22:00
19:30 - 22:00
19:30 - 22:00
19:30 - 22:00
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